
  • Sign in to a host that can access the privileged endpoint VM.

    • On Azure Stack Development Kit installations, sign in to the physical host.

    • On multi-node systems, the host must be a system that can access the privileged endpoint.

  • Extract the contents of Billing resource provider to a temporary directory using any extractor tool.

  • Place the generated .pfx file in the DependencyFilesLocalPath as follows:

    • Only a single certificate file exists in the DependencyFilesLocalPath

    • The file name must not contain any special characters.

    • The certificate must be placed in the DependencyFilesLocalPath before retrying the deployment

  • Edit the InstallBilling.ps1 script with the account information and passwords as needed by the script.

  • Open a new elevated (administrative) PowerShell console and change to the directory where the files have been extracted. Use a new window to avoid problems that might arise from incorrect PowerShell modules that are already loaded on the system.

  • By default, the installation scripts supports deployment in connected AzS environment. To deploy billing solution in disconnected AzS Environment, make the following changes,

    • Changes in InstallBilling.ps1

      • Change the $imageSku to "Standard"

    • Changes in DeployBillingProvider.ps1

      • Change the $publisherName to "MicrosoftSQLServer" and $offer to "SQL2016SP1-WS2016" in the else part

    if (-not $SqlServerName)
        Write-Error "Kindly provide the SQL server name and rerun the deployment."
    $publisherName = "MicrosoftWindowsServer"
    $offer = "WindowsServer"
  • Run InstallBilling.ps1 script

NOTE: The system where the script is being run must be a Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 system with the latest version of the .NET runtime installed.

Verifying the Deployment in Azure Stack Portals

  • In Admin Portal, click on Resource Groups. Then select the system.<location>.cloudassert.billing resource group and verify if the deployment succeeded.

  • In Tenant Portal, click on Resource Groups. Then select the system.<location>.cloudassert.billing.rp resource group and verify if the deployment succeeded.

Last updated

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