Sign in to a host that can access the privileged endpoint VM.
On Azure Stack Development Kit installations, sign in to the physical host.
On multi-node systems, the host must be a system that can access the privileged endpoint.
Extract the contents of Billing resource provider to a temporary directory using any extractor tool.
Place the generated .pfx file in the DependencyFilesLocalPath as follows:
Only a single certificate file exists in the DependencyFilesLocalPath
The file name must not contain any special characters.
The certificate must be placed in the DependencyFilesLocalPath before retrying the deployment
Edit the InstallBilling.ps1 script with the account information and passwords as needed by the script.
Open a new elevated (administrative) PowerShell console and change to the directory where the files have been extracted. Use a new window to avoid problems that might arise from incorrect PowerShell modules that are already loaded on the system.
By default, the installation scripts supports deployment in connected AzS environment. To deploy billing solution in disconnected AzS Environment, make the following changes,
Changes in InstallBilling.ps1
Change the $imageSku to "Standard"
Changes in DeployBillingProvider.ps1
Change the $publisherName to "MicrosoftSQLServer" and $offer to "SQL2016SP1-WS2016" in the else part
Run InstallBilling.ps1 script
NOTE: The system where the script is being run must be a Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 system with the latest version of the .NET runtime installed.
Verifying the Deployment in Azure Stack Portals
In Admin Portal, click on Resource Groups. Then select the system.<location>.cloudassert.billing resource group and verify if the deployment succeeded.
In Tenant Portal, click on Resource Groups. Then select the system.<location>.cloudassert.billing.rp resource group and verify if the deployment succeeded.
Last updated
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