Pricing Profile
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Click on Pricing Profiles.
Click Base Profiles.
Click on the desired pricing profile name.
Specify a name for the pricing profile.
(Optional) Select Yes/No for the ‘SET MONTHLY FEE?’ field.
(Optional) Specify the ‘MONTHLY FEE’ amount.
(Optional) Specify the ‘ONE-TIME FEE’ amount.
(Optional) If the tax rate needs to be included for the tenants who subscribe to the offer associated with this pricing profile, Select Yes/No for the ‘APPLY STANDARD TAX RATE?’ field.
Note: The standard tax rate must be specified under Settings → Invoice PDF Settings → Standard Tax Rate. The ‘Apply Tax?’ must be set to ‘Yes’ for the tax rate to be applied.
(Optional) Specify the ‘MARKUP PERCENT’.
(Optional) Select Yes/No for the ‘APPLY MARKUP ONLY FOR BASE PROFILES? field.
(Optional) Choose a base profile to link the current pricing profile with it.
Note: Opting 'Yes' will apply the markup value only if the resources match in the base profile. Opting 'NO' will apply the markup value for resource that matches in the child profile (Even if there is no base for this profile).
(Optional) Choose a ‘PROMO TYPE’ and specify the ‘PROMO CREDIT AMOUNT’.
(Optional) To update the credits for existing subscriptions, choose ‘Yes’ in ‘UPDATE PROMOTION CREDITS FOR EXISTING SUBSCRIPTIONS?’ field.
Note: If the promo credit needs to be calculated in percentage, check the ‘SPECIFY PROMORTION IN PERCENTAGE?’ must be set to ‘Yes’.
Specify the ‘REGION’, ‘CURRENCY TEXT’ and ‘CURRENCY SYMBOL’ and click Save button at the top.
Click on Pricing Profiles.
Click Base Profiles.
Click on the desired pricing profile name.
Select ‘Yes’ in the ‘SET MONTHLY FEE?’ field.
Specify the ‘MONTHLY FEE’.
Click the ‘Save’ button.
The Billing solution comes with a pre-loaded pricing profile called as ‘Azure-Stack-Base’ that contains the meters of different resources providers. To create a new pricing profile, click the pre-loaded profile and click on the clone button.
Click on the desired pricing profile (On the Currency Code).
Click the ‘Open’ button.
Click on the desired resource meter.
It is enough to specify the ‘Monthly Unit Price’ and setting the ‘Enable Meter?’ to ‘Yes’.
Click the ‘Save’ button.
Minimum monthly fee for meter will be applied if the total usage cost for the month is less than the value specified in 'Minimum Monthly Fee'.
Monthly Unit Price
Total Units / Month
Total Usage Cost
(Monthly Unit Price * Total units)
Minimum Monthly Fee
Billable Cost
(MAX [Total Usage Cost, Minimum Monthly fee])
3 GB
7 GB
The units specified in 'Hourly Unit Credits' will be deducted from the actual usage units before computing the cost.
Monthly Unit Price
Total Units / Month
(1024 MB * 24 hrs *30 days)
Hourly Unit Credits
Total Units To Be Deducted
(Hourly Unit Credits * 24 hrs * 30 days)
Billable Units
([Total Units / Month] – [Total units to be deducted])
Billable Cost
(Monthly Unit Price * Billable Units)
737,280 MB
24 MB
17,280 MB
720,000 MB
Formula are used to modify the units obtained from the raw usage data of resources before computing the price for the resource. There are two types of formula ‘Unit Formula’ and ‘Custom Formula’.
Unit Formula
It multiplies the units obtained from raw usage with the formula specified.
It supports math expressions and operators such as ‘*’ and ‘/’.
Operators should have space between them.
Operations are executed from Left to Right.
Brackets are not supported.
Raw Usage -Units
Unit Formula
Billable Units
(Raw Usage Units * Unit Formula)
RAM – 1024 MB
1 / 1024
1 MB
RAM – 1024 MB
1024 MB
Custom Formula
It computes the units based on the formula specified.
It supports math expressions and operators such as ‘*’, ‘/’, ‘+’ and ‘-’.
Operators should have a space around them.
Operations are executed as per Mathematical precedence.
Brackets are supported, but spaces are to be given around them.
Raw Usage - Units
Custom Formula
Billable Units
RAM – 1024 MB
RAM / 1024
1 MB
RAM – 1024 MB
RAM - 24
1000 MB
RAM – 1024 MB
(RAM - 24) / 10
100 MB
RAM – 1024 MB
1 MB
Resource condition is given to set different prices for the same metered resource based on the volume of raw usage units. This can be done by cloning a configured metered resource and setting a new monthly unit price for it.
Meter Display name
Meter Id
Monthly Unit Price
Resource Condition
(Meter Id and Units)
Table Capacity (Small)
$ 0.018
B4438D5D-453B-4EE1-B42A-DC72E377F1E4 < 3
Table Capacity (Medium)
$ 0.05
B4438D5D-453B-4EE1-B42A-DC72E377F1E4 > 3 && B4438D5D-453B-4EE1-B42A-DC72E377F1E4 < 10
Table Capacity (Large)
$ 0.20
B4438D5D-453B-4EE1-B42A-DC72E377F1E4 > 10 && B4438D5D-453B-4EE1-B42A-DC72E377F1E4 <= 50
Table Capacity (Very Large)
$ 1.5
B4438D5D-453B-4EE1-B42A-DC72E377F1E4 >= 51
Properties are like resource condition where different prices can be set for the same metered resource based on the property of resource (E.g. VMs, SQL DBs, etc.) which is reported in the raw usage records.
Meter Display name
Meter Id
Monthly Unit Price
Property Key
Property Value
Windows Basic_A0
$ 30
Windows Basic_A4
$ 35
Windows Standard_A0
$ 50
Windows Standard_DS5_v2
$ 100
To configure a combination of fixed and pay-as-you-go pricing profile, all the steps under Configuring A Fixed Payment Pricing Profile and Configuring A Pay-As-You-Go Pricing Profile sections.