Add the service to Azure Stack Plan
Creating a VConnect Quota
In Admin portal, click VConnect extension
Click Quotas > Add
Enter a name for the Quota
Configure the connections, quotas and tenant operations
Click ‘Save’
Creating a Plan with VConnect Service
In the Admin Portal, click Plans extension
Choose an existing plan or create a new plan
Click Service and quotas > Add
Choose CloudAssert.VConnect under Services
Click Quotas > CloudAssert.VConnect and choose the VConnect quota from the list displayed
Creating an Offer
In the Admin Portal, click Offers extension
Create an offer or choose an existing offer
Click Base plans > Add
Select a plan with VConnect service added to it
Registering VConnect service for a User Subscription
In the Tenant Portal, click Subscriptions extension
Select a VConnect enabled subscription
Click ‘Resource Providers’
Click register link for the CloudAssert.VConnect service
Last updated