Connection manager

Hybr Integrations

Hybr can manage public clouds like AWS, Azure and on-prem data center like VCenter, SCVMM. It’s a hybrid cloud management solution which has separate Admin and Tenant sites. It supports multi-tenancy with self-servicing portal for end user (Tenants).

Hybr supports workload life cycle management – End user request on VM creation and operation will be notified to admin via RMS [Request Management System] and follows its own life cycles.

Supports Remote connect from web browser – You can connect VMs from browser tab itself.

Supports backup integrations – like Veeam, Commvault for VCenter and SPF workloads.

Admin Site: VConnect – Connections

In HYBR first step to start with is ‘Connection Creation’. The purpose of this connection creation is to tell HYBR about your server (like VCenter/SPF/Azure/AWS) and its Datacenter details. Everything you do from Admin site is related to a Connection, like 1. configuring Network, 2. creating VM Templates and 3. managing Tenant Offers which are all needs a connection. Check your license quota limit for every type of connections.

vCenter Connection

VCenter Connection tab is used for managing VCenter servers and its resources. In this Admin site Tab, you need to configure few things to start with Hybr.

Connection List

When clicking on this VCenter Tab, list of available VCenter Connection will be shown to user. In Case of no data related to VCenter, a message will be shown.

  1. List Connection

To see the list of VCenter Connections,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->VCenter” in Admin site

  • You will see the list of VCenter connection in this page

  1. Create Connection

To create a new “VCenter Connection”,

  • Navigate to VConnect->Connections->VCenter in Admin site and click “Create VCenter connection”.

  • In Connection creation wizard, you need to enter VCenter server details. Below table will be helpful to fill this wizard.

Enter “Connection Name”, “Server URL”, “Username”, “Password”. Choose “Is Host

Enabled for VM provisioning?” checkbox and click next.

  • Choose “VMWARE Datacenter” and “VMWARE Cluster” details in next page. Here you are configuring Datacenter and cluster for this connection and this connection can manage ‘VM creation’ only using the selected cluster.

  • Choose backup details if required [refer]

  • Click save

  • Now the new connection will be created and shown in VCenter connection list page.

  1. Edit Connection

To edit an existing “VCenter Connection”,

  1. Delete Connection

Before deleting a connection, you should make sure that the connection is not mapped to any plans and the same does not has any resources [like VM, Virtual Network] associated with it.

To delete a “VCenter Connection”,

  • Navigate to VConnect->Connections->VCenter in Admin site and click “Delete” button against a connection which you want to delete.

  • In the conformation window click Yes to delete the connection.

  • Now the deleted connection will not be shown in connection list page

  1. Sync

Sync option is to sync newly moved Virtual Machines [in VSphere Client] with Hybr subscription. This could be useful if you want to move VMs between Hybr subscriptions.

To Sync a “VCenter Connection”,

  • Navigate to VConnect->Connections->VCenter in Admin site and click “Sync” button against a connection which you want to Sync.

  • In the conformation window, click Yes to Sync the connection.

  • Now the all resource in the connection will be synced

  1. Note: You need VCenter Connection as prerequisites to work on below sections from “VM template” to “Data Center”


Data Stores

In this tab, you can see the list of Data store and its details like available space, consumed space.

Custom Commands

In Custom Commands, you can specify operations (or tasks) on VM and make user execute that when requires. This Custom Commands could be used by both Admin and tenant user. Admin can execute this command on any VMs whereas tenant can use this only on their VMs.

For creating a Custom Command, you need to upload two files one is JSON and second one is PowerShell script file. This PowerShell script file (.ps1) has the command on what operation to be executed against VMs and JSON file has data mapping. Based on the details JSON file, Hybr will get inputs from user and executes the command given in PowerShell script file.

Hybr has four default Custom Commands for VCenter, i.e 1. add disk, 2. expand disk, 3. delete disk, 4. Clone VM. You can create your own command based on the requirements. For that, refer this page on Creating Custom Commands (refer).

    1. Edit

To edit a Custom Command,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->VCenter” in Admin site

  • Drill down into the connection

  • Click on “Commands”

  • Click “Edit” button against a Custom Command. In this “Update Custom command” wizard you can change “Command Name”, “Type”, and “Scope”. The default “Type” is “Operation Template”, and default “Scope” is “VirtualMachine”.

  • Modify details as required and click save

    1. Edit Params

To edit params of a Custom Command,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->VCenter” in Admin site

  • Drill down into the connection

  • Click on “Commands”

  • Drill down into a custom command

  • Now you change or add new params and click save button to save the command

    1. Delete

To delete a Custom Command,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->VCenter” in Admin site

  • Drill down into the connection

  • Click on “Commands”

  • Click “Delete” button against a Custom Command

  • Click Yes on conformation prompt to delete the command. Now the “Custom Command” will be deleted and removed from the list.

    1. Export

To export a Custom Command,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->VCenter” in Admin site

  • Drill down into the connection

  • Click on “Commands”

  • Click “Export” button against a Custom Command. Now the command will be downloaded as a zip file.

    1. Import

You can refer this page on Import Custom Commands [refer]. SPF

SPF Connection tab is used for managing resources in VMM servers. Hybr manages VMM servers via SPF. You need to complete following things to start with Hybr.

SPF Connection

    1. Connection List

When clicking on SPF Tab, list of available SPF Connection will be shown to user. In Case of no data related to SPF, a message will be shown.

To check the list of SPF Connections,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->System Center VMM” in Admin site

  • You will see the list of SPF connection in this page

  1. Create Connection

In HYBR first step to start with is ‘Connection Creation’. The purpose of this connection creation is to tell HYBR about your SPF server and its Cloud details. Everything you do from Admin site is related to a Connection, like 1. configuring Network, 2. creating VM Templates and 3. managing Tenant Offers which are all needs a connection.

To create a new “SPF Connection”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->System Center VMM” in Admin site

  • click “Create SPF connection” button

  • In Connection creation wizard, you need to enter SPF server details. Below table will be helpful to fill this wizard.

Table – SPF Connection

  • In “Add VMM connection” wizard, enter “connection name”, “server URL”, “username”, “password”. Check the “Is Host Enabled for VM Provisioning?” checkbox.

  • Click next

  • Enter “VMM server”, “VMM Server Username”, “Password”, and “VMM Cloud” details in next page. Here you are configuring VMM and cloud for this connection and this connection can manage ‘VM creation’ only for the selected cloud.

  • Choose backup details if required [refer]

  • Click save

  • Now the new connection will be created and shown in SPF connection list page.

  1. Edit Connection

To edit an existing “SPF Connection”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->System Center VMM” in Admin site

  • Click “Edit” button against a connection which you want to change.

  • In ‘Edit Connection’ wizard, change required details and enter SPF server password

  • Click next

  • Change required details for VMM. Enter VMM server password and choose VMM cloud.

  • Click save to update the changes

Note: You need to enter SPF server password and VMM server password to edit a connection.

  1. Delete Connection

Before deleting a connection, you should make sure that the connection is not mapped to any plans and the same does not has any resources [like VM, Virtual Network] associated with it.

To delete a “SPF Connection”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->System Center VMM” in Admin site

  • Click “Delete” button against a connection which you want to delete

  • In the conformation window click Yes to delete the connection.

  • Now the connection will be deleted and removed from connection list.

  1. Sync

Sync option is to sync newly moved Virtual Machines [in VMM] with Hybr subscription. Sync option could be useful if you want to move VMs between Hybr subscriptions.

To Sync a “SPF Connection”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->System Center VMM” in Admin site

  • Click “Sync” button against a connection which you want to Sync

  • In the conformation window click Yes to Sync the connection.

  • Now the connection will be synced and VM details will be updated to Hybr.

Note: You need SPF Connection as prerequisites to work on below sections from “VM template” to “Policy”


In Network Tab, you can see the list of selected networks for a connection. Here you can also choose NWs from available SPF networks.

Only these configured networks will be available to tenants in VM creation. So, this step is an important one to start with VM creation.

    1. Configure Network

To configure network,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->System Center VMM” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to configure network.

  • Click on “Networks” tab. You will see the list of configured NWs.

  • Click “Configure Network” button

  • Select from the list of networks

  • Click save button, now the configured NWs will be shown in list


Refer this section on more details about policy – Policy VCenter

Custom Commands

Hybr has three default Custom Commands for SPF, i.e 1. add disk, 2. expand disk, 3. delete disk. You can create your own command based on the requirements.

Refer this section for more details on Commands VCenter AWS

AWS Connection tab is used for managing AWS resources. You need to complete following things to start with Hybr.

AWS Connection

  1. List Connection

When clicking on this AWS Tab, list of available AWS Connection will be shown to user. In Case of no data related to AWS, a message will be shown.

To see the list of “AWS Connection”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> AWS” in Admin site

  • Now you can see the list of AWS connection

  1. Create Connection

In HYBR first step to start with is ‘Connection Creation’. The purpose of this connection creation is to tell HYBR about your AWS subscription details. Everything you do from Admin site is related to a Connection, like 1. creating VM Templates and 2. managing Tenant Offers which are all needs a connection.

To create a new “AWS Connection”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> AWS” in Admin site

  • click “Create AWS connection”.

  • In Connection creation wizard, you need to enter AWS subscription details. Below table will be helpful to fill this wizard.

Table: AWS connection

  • Enter “Connection Name”, “AWS Access Key Id”, “Secret Access Key”, “VPC ID”, “Subnet ID” and “Region”

  • Click save

  • Now the new connection will be created and shown in AWS connection list page.

  1. Edit Connection

To edit an existing “AWS Connection”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> AWS” in Admin site

  • Click “Edit” button against a connection which you want to change.

  • In ‘Edit AWS EC2 Connection’ wizard, change required details and click save.

  1. Delete Connection

Before deleting a connection, you should make sure that the connection is not mapped to any plans and the same does not has any resources [like VM] or Templates [VM Template / NW Template] associated with it.

To delete a “AWS Connection”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> AWS” in Admin site

  • Click “Delete” button against a connection which you want to delete

  • In the conformation window click Yes to delete the connection

  • Now the connection will be deleted and removed from AWS connection list

Note: You need AWS Connection as prerequisites to work on below sections from “VM template” to “Policy”

VM Template

For creating VMs, VM Template creation is very important thing. Based on the inputs from “VM Template” a new VM will be deployed by Hybr.

By using this VM template, we can pass inputs like Subnet and AMI Id. And you can set this input to get details from tenant when they create VMs.

    1. List VM template

To see the list of AWS “VM Template” for an AWS connection,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> AWS” in Admin site

  • Drill down into the connection

  • Now you will see the list of templates for the connection

    1. Create VM template

To add a “VM Template” for an AWS connection,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> AWS” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection which you want to add template.

  • Click “Create Template” button

  • In “Add Template” wizard, choose “OS Platform “- from drop down. Enter “Display name”, and “Description”. This “Display name” will be used in future references.

  • Click Next and fill mandatory params

  • Click save to add template

  • Now the template will be added and shown on template list.

Note: To set any params to get details from tenant, you need to check both checkboxes “Is Required” and “Is Configurable by Tenant”

    1. Edit

To edit an existing “VM Template” for a AWS connection,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> AWS” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to edit template.

  • Click “Edit” button against the ‘VM Template’ which you want to edit

  • Change details as required and click next

  • Change the param input if required and click save to update the template

    1. Clone

To clone a “VM Template”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> AWS” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to clone template.

  • Click “Clone” button against the respective ‘VM Template’

  • Enter “New Template” Name

  • Click save to clone the template

  • Now the cloned template will be shown in template list

    1. Publish

You can publish the VM template as “Service Catalog” offer and make it visible to tenants. So, tenants can buy this offer from ‘Service Catalog’. Refer this to know more about “Service Catalog” offer [refer].

To publish a “VM Template”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> AWS” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to publish template.

  • Click publish against the respective ‘VM Template’

  • Enter details


  • Click save


    1. Delete

Before deleting a VM template, you should check that the template is not mapped to any Plans and the same is not published as “Service Catalog Offer”.

To delete a “VM Template”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> AWS” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to delete template.

  • Click “Delete” against the ‘VM Template’

  • Click Yes in conformation prompt to delete the template

  • Now the template will be deleted and removed in template list.

    1. Edit Params

To edit params for an existing “VM Template”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> AWS” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to edit template.

  • Click “Edit Param” against the ‘VM Template’ which you want to edit

  • Change details as required and click save to update the template.

    1. How to add new Params for a template?

Refer How to add new Params for a template? in VCenter section for more info (link)


Refer this section on more details about policy – Policy VCenter

Custom Commands

Hybr has three default Custom Commands for AWS, i.e 1. add disk, 2. expand disk, 3. delete disk. You can create your own command based on the requirements.

Refer this section for more details on Commands VCenter Azure

Azure Connection tab is used for managing Azure resources. You need to complete following things to start with Hybr.

Azure Connection

  1. List Connection

When clicking on this Azure Tab, list of available Azure Connection will be shown to user. In Case of no data related to Azure, a message will be shown.

To see the list of “Azure Connection”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> Azure” in Admin site

  • Now you can see the list of Azure connection

  1. Create Connection

In HYBR first step to start with is ‘Connection Creation’. The purpose of this connection creation is to tell HYBR about your Azure subscription details. Everything you do from Admin site is related to a Connection, like 1. creating VM Templates and 2. managing Tenant Offers which are all needs a connection.

To create a new “Azure Connection”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> Azure” in Admin site

  • Now you can see the list of Azure connection

  • Click “Create Azure connection”.

  • In “Add Azure Connection” wizard, you need to enter Azure subscription details. Below table will be helpful to fill this wizard.

Table: Azure Connection

  • Enter “Connection Name”, “Azure Subscription Id“, “Azure AD Application Id”, “Azure AD Tenant Id”, “Azure AD Application Password”, “Azure Default Location”. Check “Is Enabled for provisioning?” checkbox.

  • Click save

  • Now the new connection will be created and shown in Azure connection list page.

  1. Edit Connection

To edit an existing “Azure Connection”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> Azure” in Admin site

  • Click “Edit” button against a connection which you want to change.

  • In ‘Update Azure Connection’ wizard, change required details and click save.

  1. Delete Connection

Before deleting a connection, you should make sure that the connection is not mapped to any plans and the same does not has any resources [like VM] or Templates [VM Template / NW Template] associated with it.

To delete a “AWS Connection”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> Azure” in Admin site

  • Click “Delete” button against a connection which you want to delete

  • In the conformation window click Yes to delete the connection

  • Now the connection will be deleted and removed from Azure connection list

Note: You need Azure Connection as prerequisites to work on below sections from “VM template” to “Policy”

VM Template

For creating VMs, VM Template creation is very important thing. Based on the inputs from “VM Template” a new VM will be deployed by Hybr.

By using this VM template, we can pass inputs like OS platform, network, disk size, user details and other customization details. And you can set this input to get details from tenant when they create VMs.

    1. List VM template

To see the list of “VM Template” for an Azure connection,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> Azure” in Admin site

  • Drill down into the connection

  • Now you will see the list of templates for the connection

    1. Create VM template

To add a “VM Template” for an Azure connection,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> Azure” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection which you want to add template.

  • Click “Create Template” button

  • In “Add Template” wizard, choose “OS Platform “- from drop down. Enter “Display name”, and “Description”. This “Display name” will be used in future references.

  • Click Next and fill params like “VM Size”, “Location”, “Network Name” and set all params as “Required” and “Configurable by Tenants”

  • Click next and fill “Storage Account Name”, “Admin UserName”, “Windows OS Version” and set all params as “Required” and “Configurable by Tenants”.

  • Click save to add template

  • Now the template will be added and shown on template list.

Note: To set any params to get details from tenant, you need to check both checkboxes “Is Required” and “Is Configurable by Tenant”

    1. Edit

To edit an existing “VM Template” for Azure connection,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> Azure” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to edit template.

  • Click “Edit” button against the ‘VM Template’ which you want to edit

  • Change details as required and click next

  • Change details as required and click next

  • Click save to update the template

    1. Clone

To clone a “VM Template”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> Azure” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to clone template.

  • Click “Clone” button against the respective ‘VM Template’

  • Enter “New Template” Name

  • Click save to clone the template

  • Now the cloned template will be shown in template list

    1. Publish

You can publish the VM template as “Service Catalog” offer and make it visible to tenants. So, tenants can buy this offer from ‘Service Catalog’. Refer this to know more about “Service Catalog” offer [refer].

To publish a “VM Template”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> Azure” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to publish template.

  • Click publish against the respective ‘VM Template’

  • Enter details


  • Click save


    1. Delete

Before deleting a VM template, you should check that the template is not mapped to any Plans and the same is not published as “Service Catalog Offer”.

To delete a “VM Template”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> Azure” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to delete template.

  • Click “Delete” against the ‘VM Template’

  • Click Yes in conformation prompt to delete the template

  • Now the template will be deleted and removed in template list.

    1. Edit Params

To edit params for an existing “VM Template”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> Azure” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to edit template.

  • Click “Edit Param” against the ‘VM Template’ which you want to edit

  • Change details as required and click save to update the template.

    1. How to add new Params for a template?

Refer How to add new Params for a template? in VCenter section for more info (link)


In Network Tab, you can see the list of selected networks for a connection. Here you can also choose NWs from available Azure networks.

Only these configured networks will be available to tenants in VM creation. So, this step is an important one to start with VM creation.

    1. Configure Network

To configure network,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->Azure” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to configure network.

  • Click on “Networks” tab. You will see the list of configured NWs.

  • Click “Configure Network” button

  • Select from the list of networks

  • Click save button, now the configured NWs will be shown in list


Refer this section on more details about policy – Policy VCenter

Custom Commands

Hybr has three default Custom Commands for Azure, i.e 1. add disk, 2. expand disk, 3. delete disk. You can create your own command based on the requirements.

Refer this section for more details on Commands VCenter IP Pools

Hybr support IP pools for VCenter VM. You can create IP pool with an IP address range and assign that in VM template. So, the new VMs will be assigned with an available IP address from the range. When creating IP pools, you can specify to reserve range of IP addresses so it will not be assigned for any VMs.

List IP Pools:

To check list of IP pools,

  • Go to “VConnect->IP pools” in admin side.

  • You will see list of IP pools in that page.

Create IP pool:

To create IP pools,

  • Go to “VConnect->IP pools” in admin side.

  • Click “Create IP Pool” button

  • In “Create IP Pool” wizard, enter details like Name, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, Alternate Gateway, DNS (CSV), WINS (CSV) and click next

  • In next page, enter IP Address Ranges (CSV), & Reserved IP Address(CSV). And Click save.

Edit IP pool:

To edit an IP pool,

  • Go to “VConnect->IP pools” in admin side.

  • Click “Edit” button against IP pool which you want to edit

  • Change details as required and click save.

Delete IP pool:

To delete an IP pool,

  • Go to “VConnect->IP pools” in admin side.

  • Click “Delete” button against IP pool which you want to delete.

  • Click Yes in conformational prompt to delete the IP pool.

Use IP pool in VM creation:

Check “How to assign IP pool for a template?” In VM Template (here). Param Specs

For Customizing VMs, you can use the option in ‘VM template’ to input the details and we call it as params in Hybr. This params are Key - Value pairs, and we pass it to the backend deployment engine for VM deployment. Example for params: Network details like network name, OS customization inputs like Username, password.

As mentioned under “VM Template” section, you can specify params in VM templates itself. Or you can use this ‘Param Specs’ options to specify params input outside the VM template and map it to VM template params. In other words, we can call this ‘param specs’ as ‘param template’ as it supplies params for VM template and reduces time taken for VM template creation.

List Param Specs:

To check list of Param Specs,

  • Go to “VConnect-> Param Specs” in admin side.

  • You will see list of Param Specs in that page.

Create Param Spec:

To create new Param Spec,

  • Go to “VConnect-> Param Specs” in admin side.

  • Click “Create Param Spec” button

  • In “Create Param Spec” wizard input the details.

  • Enter “Display Name”, “Connection”, “OS Platform”

  • And Choose “Create from existing template?” checkbox. For using this options, you should have VM templates for the selected connection and OS platform.

  • Choose VM Template from drop down list and click save.

Edit Param Spec:

To edit an existing Param Spec,

  • Go to “VConnect-> Param Specs” in admin side.

  • Click “Edit” button against a params spec which you want to edit

  • In “Update Param Spec” wizard, change the required details and click next. In next page you will see the customization params and you can edit that as well.

Note: In below screenshot, we have used VCenter connection type.

  • Click Next

  • Click next and check “OS customization”.

  • Click save.

Delete Param Spec:

To delete Param Spec,

  • Go to “VConnect-> Param Specs” in admin side.

  • Click “Delete” button against a params spec which you want to delete

  • Click yes in conformational prompt

Use Param Spec in VM template:

Check “How to use param spec in a template?” (here). Virtual Machines

Virtual Machines tab is to list and manage all VMs in a single place. In this tab, you can get all VMs details from both public clouds and on-prem clouds. As an Admin you can do operations like on/off VMs, RDP/Console Connect VMs, manage disks of VMs, and delete VMs.

“Status” of each VM will be shown with Company Name and Subscription Name as well. And you can use ‘Column Options’ to filter the columns to be shown.

List Virtual Machines:

To check list of Virtual Machines,

  • Go to “VConnect-> Virtual Machines” in admin side.

  • You will see the list of ‘Virtual Machines’ in that page. You can check the status of each VMs [Stopped/Running].

RDP Connect:

RDP Connect button is to connect VM using RDP.

To RDP Connect Virtual Machines,

  • Go to “VConnect-> Virtual Machines” in admin side.

  • Click “Connect” button for a running VM

  • RDP file will be downloaded for that VM

  • Open that file and Enter Username and password to connect to that VM

Console Connect:

“Console Connect” button is to access VM from browser.

To Console Connect Virtual Machines,

  • Go to “VConnect-> Virtual Machines” in admin side.

  • Click “Console Connect” button for a running VM

  • Choose “Is Console Connect?” button

  • And Click ok to connect the VM

Power Operations:

Power operation on a VM include on/off VM, Shut Down, Reboot, Reset, Suspend. When you click on ‘Power Operation’ button against a VM, it will show you the list of available Power operation for that. This list is retrieved from cloud server and it is based on the cloud provider.

To perform a Power Operation on a Virtual Machines,

  • Go to “VConnect-> Virtual Machines” in admin side.

  • Click “Power Operation” button for a VM

  • Choose a Power Operation from list

  • Click Yes in Conformational prompt to execute the selected operation on that VM.

Custom Commands:

You can execute ‘Custom Commands’ on VMs and these commands will execute an operation against that VM. For every VMs you will get the default list of ‘Custom Commands’ based on Connection type. You can add/modify it in connection level so the VMs created under that connection will get modified list of ‘Custom Commands’.

To perform Add Disk on a Virtual Machines,

This ‘Add Disk’ command will add a new disk.


Below example is for VCenter VM and you should power off the VM before executing any “Custom commands”. For AWS and Azure VMs, you should ‘Off and Deallocate’ the VM before executing any ‘Custom commands’.

For SPF VMs: you need to enter “LUN Number”, and “Disk name”

For Azure VM: you need to enter disk name in specified format. Windows: and Linux

For AWS VM: you need to enter disk name in specified format. Windows: and Linux

  • Go to “VConnect-> Virtual Machines” in admin side.

  • Click “Custom Commands” button for a VM

  • Click ‘Add Disk’ from the list

  • Enter ‘Disk Size’, and ‘Disk Storage Format’ in wizard

  • Click save to execute the command on selected VM

To perform Expand Disk on a Virtual Machines,

This ‘Expand Disk’ command will expand an existing disk.

  • Go to “VConnect-> Virtual Machines” in admin side.

  • Click “Custom Commands” button for a VM

  • Click ‘Expand Disk’ from the list

  • Choose a ‘Disk Name’ from list. [It shouldn’t be the primary disk]

  • Enter ‘Total Disk Size’ after expanding

  • Click save

To perform Delete Disk on a Virtual Machines,

This ‘Delete Disk’ command will delete an existing disk.

  • Go to “VConnect-> Virtual Machines” in admin side.

  • Click “Custom Commands” button for a VM

  • Click ‘Delete Disk’ from the list

  • Choose a ‘Disk Name’ from list. [It shouldn’t be the primary disk]

  • Check ‘Delete Permanently’ checkbox to permanently delete the disk

  • Click save

To perform Clone VM on a Virtual Machines,

This ‘Clone VM’ command will clone an existing VM.

  • Go to “VConnect-> Virtual Machines” in admin side.

  • Click “Custom Commands” button for a VM

  • Click ‘Clone VM’ from the list

  • Enter ‘New VM Name’, and ‘Data Store Hint’

  • Click save Resource Templates

Resource Templates could be useful for bulk VM provisioning scenarios. In Resource Templates, Admin can configure VM resources using Resource Template and make it available to tenant via Plans or service catalog. So, tenant can deploy VMs available in a Resource Template by specifying the instance count.

Admin can configure 3 types of resources in a Resource Template, like 1. VM 2. Virtual Network 3. Operational Template. Operational Template is for executing some operation on resources (VMs). You can automate any task using this Operational Template. Refer this for more details [click].

In Resource Template, you should specify each resource as a Template. For creating “Resource Template” for VM creation, you should create VM template first (check this) and for Network creation you can use the default network template available for each connection.

List Resource Templates:

To check list of Resource Templates,

  • Go to “VConnect-> Resource Templates” in admin side.

  • You will see list of ‘Resource Templates’ in that page

Create Resource Templates:

Note: Below Resource Template example is shown for VCenter with 2 resources. [ resource 1: Network and resource 2: VM]

To create a Resource Templates,

  • Go to “VConnect-> Resource Templates” in admin side.

  • Click “Create” button

  • In ‘Create Resource Template’ wizard enter “Template Name”

  • In Resources table you have 1 row by default. Click “Add resource” button to add 2nd resources

  • For first resource, choose “Type” as “Virtual Network” and select an available VCenter NW template

  • For second resource, choose “Type” as “Virtual Machine” and select an available VCenter VM template

  • Click next, and in ‘Configure Virtual Network’ wizard enter “Distributed Switch Name” and “Number of Ports”. This is for configuring the 1st Resource.

  • Click next and you can see ‘Configure Virtual machine’ wizard which is for 2nd resource.

  • You need to enter Network Name, Admin Password, Org Name, OS Time Zone in this wizard. For ‘Network Name’ choose the resource 1 name you have enter in previous step [i.e Resource1].

  • Click save

Edit Resource Templates:

To edit a Resource Templates,

  • Go to “VConnect-> Resource Templates” in admin side.

  • Click “edit” button against a Resource Template

  • Change details as required and click save in last page

Delete Resource Templates:

To delete a Resource Templates,

  • Go to “VConnect-> Resource Templates” in admin side.

  • Click “delete” button against a Resource Template which you want to delete

  • Click Yes in conformational prompt to delete the Resource Template

Note: Make sure that Resource Template is neither published in service catalog nor configured in Plans.

Clone Resource Templates:

To clone a Resource Templates,

  • Go to “VConnect-> Resource Templates” in admin side.

  • Click “clone” button against a Resource Template which you want to clone

  • In ‘Clone Resource Template’ - wizard, enter “New Template” details

  • Click save

Param Spec

How to use param spec in a template?

To use param spec in VM template [example shown for VCenter].

  • Navigate to VConnect->Connections->VCenter in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to add template.

  • Click “Create Template” and fill the details

  • Select OS platform, VSPHERE VM template. Enter Display Name, and Description. Check “Is Enabled for Provisioning?” checkbox.

  • To map a param spec for the selected OS configuration, check “Mapped to Param Spec?” checkbox.

  • Choose a param spec from drop down

  • Click next. You will see the param details in this page. Params which are mapped from param spec will have a mapped symbol (check below screeshot)

  • Click next

  • Click next

  • Click save to create a template

  • If you add a new param for this template it won’t has mapped symbol. Refer the newly added param “Test” in below screenshot.

How to add new Params for a template?

For any VM template in Hybr, you can have your own customized set of params as per your requirement. Usually the default params in template have grouped into sections like network, OS customization. So, you can add “New Params” in existing section or in new section as per your need.

To add params for an existing “VM Template”,

  • Navigate to VConnect->Connections->VCenter in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to edit template.

  • Click “Edit Param” against the ‘VM Template’ which you want to edit

  • Click “Add Param” in a section where you want to add new params

  • Enter param name, type, description


  • click save

How to import custom commands?

To import a custom command, you need to create a script file which contains the logic for executing some operation and you need to create JSON file to map input data with script file.

Once your JSON and Script files are ready, add them into a zip file. You will use this zip for uploading the new Custom Command.

To import a Custom Command,

Note: below example is shown for VCenter.

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->VCenter” in Admin site

  • Drill down into the connection

  • Click on “Commands”

  • Click “Import Command” button

  • In “Import Command” wizard, enter “Command Name” and choose the location for zip file

  • Click “Upload” button to complete this “import command”.

  • Now the newly uploaded command will be shown in list

2.1.1 Tenant Site: Virtual Machines

In this page, you can see the list of VMs for your tenant company. You can create and manage VMs from this page.

Hybr admin is also have this “Virtual Machines” page. Admin can get the VM details of every tenants whereas tenant can see their VMs only.

For VM operations like RDP/Console Connect, Power on/off, Custom Commands and Delete you can refer the same Admin side doc (here). Check your license quota for limit on no. of Virtual Machines.

List Virtual Machines

To check list of Virtual Machines,

  • Click on “Virtual Machines” menu in tenant side.

  • You will see the list of ‘Virtual Machines’ in that page. You can check the status of each VMs [Stopped/Running].

Create Virtual Machines

To create new Virtual Machines,

Note: 1. Below example is for SPF VM

2. For VCenter VM:

3. For AWS VM: You have only 2 param for AWS VMs, and these are set in admin side

4. For Azure VM:

  • Click on “Virtual Machines” menu in tenant side.

  • You will see the list of ‘Virtual Machines’ in that page.

  • Click “Create Virtual Machines” button

  • Select “Connection” from Drop down

  • Click next

  • Select “VM Template” from drop down.

  • In “VM Creation Wizard”, enter “VM Name”, choose “Compute Instance” if required. And click next

  • Choose ‘Network’ from drop down. Enter “Password” for new VM.

  • Click save to deploy VM. Now you can find a new VM with status as ‘Create Requested’ in “Virtual Machines” tab.

  • You can check the status in “Deployment Job” of RMS page.

  • Go to “Deployment Job” page, and click on ‘Id’ to sort in Descending

  • Now you can see a job, which is created for the last VM deployment request you have done. Job name contains the VM name you have requested

  • Drill down into that Job, to check the operation and progress. You will see the “Deployment Operation” page in ‘Graph view’

  • Click on “Table View” button to change the View

VM Dashboard

In ‘VM dashboard’, you can see VM specific details like OS, Size, IP, Status and Uptime.

  • Click on “Virtual Machines” menu in tenant side.

  • You will see the list of ‘Virtual Machines’ in that page.

  • If you Drill down into a VM you will see VM dashboard page. In VM dashboard page, there are 3 section 1. VM CPU Metrics 2. Quick glance 3. Plots for Core, Memory and Storage

  • VM CPU metrics graph will show the CPU usage and memory when VM is running. This graph will be shown for VCenter VMs.

  • In “Quick Glance”, you can see the Subscription details, Deployment details, VM status, IP Address, OS, and VM Size. And in Plots section you can see Cores, RAM, Storage plots.

VM Configure

In ‘VM configure’, you can see list of disks for the VM. You can change the VM Size in this page.

To check Virtual Machine disks,

  • Click on “Virtual Machines” menu in tenant side.

  • You will see the list of ‘Virtual Machines’ in that page.

  • Drill down into a VM and click ‘Configure’ tab.

  • Check the list of disks in “Devices” section. “Network” and “Primary Disk” details also shown in this list.

To change the VM size,

Note: To Reconfigure/Change VM size, VM should be in ‘powered off’ state. For Azure/AWS VM, use ‘Off & Deallocate’ option before changing size.

  • Click on “Virtual Machines” menu in tenant side.

  • You will see the list of ‘Virtual Machines’ in that page.

  • Drill down into a VM and click ‘Configure’ tab.

  • Choose VM size from drop down

Use Custom option to change VM size,

Note: To Reconfigure/Change VM size, VM should be in ‘powered off’ state. For Azure/AWS VM, use ‘Off & Deallocate’ option before changing size.

  • Click on “Virtual Machines” menu in tenant side.

  • You will see the list of ‘Virtual Machines’ in that page.

  • Drill down into a VM and click ‘Configure’ tab.

  • Choose ‘Custom’ from ‘Available’ drop down

  • Enter “Custom Core” and “Custom Memory (in MB)”

  • Click save button

VM Snapshots

Note: This option is available only for VCenter VMs

You can use this “VM Snapshots” option, to take backup of a VCenter VM and use that in future. It is easy to restore a VM if you face any issues like data loss or boot related issue in that VM.

To create VM snapshot,

  • Click on “Virtual Machines” menu in tenant side.

  • You will see the list of ‘Virtual Machines’ in that page.

  • Drill down into a VM and click ‘Snapshots’ tab.

  • You will see the list of ‘Snapshots’ in this page

  • Click “Create Snapshot” button

  • Enter “Snapshot name”, and “Description”

  • Click save

To list VM snapshot,

  • Click on “Virtual Machines” menu in tenant side.

  • You will see the list of ‘Virtual Machines’ in that page.

  • Drill down into a VM and click ‘Snapshots’ tab.

  • You will see the list of ‘Snapshots’ in this page

To remove a snapshot,

  • Click on “Virtual Machines” menu in tenant side.

  • You will see the list of ‘Virtual Machines’ in that page.

  • Drill down into a VM and click ‘Snapshots’ tab.

  • You will see the list of ‘Snapshots’ in this page

  • Click “Remove” button against a snapshot

  • Click Yes in conformational prompt to delete the snapshot

To remove all snapshots,

  • Click on “Virtual Machines” menu in tenant side.

  • You will see the list of ‘Virtual Machines’ in that page.

  • Drill down into a VM and click ‘Snapshots’ tab.

  • You will see the list of ‘Snapshots’ in this page

  • Click “Remove all” button

  • Click Yes in conformational prompt to delete all snapshots

To revert a snapshot,

  • Click on “Virtual Machines” menu in tenant side.

  • You will see the list of ‘Virtual Machines’ in that page.

  • Drill down into a VM and click ‘Snapshots’ tab.

  • You will see the list of ‘Snapshots’ in this page

  • Click “Revert” button against a VM

  • Click Yes in conformational prompt to complete this operation

2.1.2 Virtual Networks

Hybr supports creating and managing “Virtual Networks” from Tenant portal. Tenant can create “Virtual Networks” with some customization (from Admin side) and use that for grouping VMs. Hybr won’t allow other tenants to see/use your “Virtual Networks”.

Hybr supports Virtual NWs for VCenter, SPF VMM, Azure connections. Check your license quota for limit on no. of Virtual Networks.

List Virtual Networks:

To see the list of Virtual Networks,

  • Click on “Virtual Machines->Virtual Networks” menu in tenant side.

  • You will see the list of ‘Virtual Networks’ in that page. You can also see the ‘Virtual Networks’ details like Status and “Connection Type” in this page.

Create Virtual Networks:

To create new Virtual Networks,

Note: below example is shown for VCenter

  • Click on “Virtual Machines->Virtual Networks” menu in tenant side.

  • You will see the list of ‘Virtual Networks’ in that page.

  • Click ‘Create Virtual Network’ button

  • In ‘‘Create Virtual Network’’ wizard, choose “Connection” and click next

  • Enter “Network Name”, “Number of Ports” and choose “Distributed Virtual Switch”

  • Click save

Edit Virtual Networks:

To edit new Virtual Networks,

Note: below example is shown for VCenter

  • Click on “Virtual Machines->Virtual Networks” menu in tenant side.

  • You will see the list of ‘Virtual Networks’ in that page.

  • Click ‘Edit’ button against a ‘Virtual Networks’ you want to edit

  • In “Update Network” wizard, Change ‘Network Name’ and ‘Number of Ports’

  • Click save

Delete Virtual Networks:

To delete Virtual Networks,

Note: below example is shown for VCenter

  • Click on “Virtual Machines->Virtual Networks” menu in tenant side.

  • You will see the list of ‘Virtual Networks’ in that page.

  • Click ‘Delete’ button against a ‘Virtual Networks’ you want to delete

  • Click ‘Yes’ in conformational prompt to delete the “Virtual Network”

2.1.3 Resource Templates

As like Admin ‘Resource Templates’, tenant can also create ‘Resource Templates’ to support bulk VM provisioning.

List Resource Templates:

To see the list of Resource Templates,

  • Click on “Virtual Machines-> Resource Templates” menu in tenant side.

  • You will see the list of ‘Resource Templates’ in that page. For admin created ‘Resource Templates’ you won’t see edit/clone/delete option from Tenant side.

Deploy Resource Templates:

To deploy the Resource Template,

  • Go to “Virtual Machines-> Resource Templates” in tenant side.

  • Click “Deploy” button against a Resource Template

  • In “Resource Template Deployment” page, click Next

  • In “Deployment Customization” page, select ‘Compute Instance Size’, and ‘Instance Count’ for VM resources and click save

  • Now you can see that, a job in “Deployment jobs” page of “Request Management Service” tab. Drill down into that job to check the ‘Deployment operation’ and its progress.

2.2 RMS

Yet to update

2.3 Backups

Yet to update

2.4 CSP

Once CSP customer is mapped with your Hybr Tenant, you can start purchasing new CSP offers and manage CSP license purchased from partner center portal.

From Hybr tenant portal, you can manage CSP offer purchase and see the billing details for your CSP license subscriptions.

2.4.1 Purchase CSP Offers

To purchase CSP offers,

  • Go to “Service Catalog” in Tenant portal

  • You can see the list of CSP offers in that page

  • From the offer list, click on an offer which you want to purchase.

  • Now you can see “Purchase offer” wizard. In that wizard, enter license quantity and click Next.

  • If the offer chosen has associated add-ons, you will get “Purchase Add-on” page. Else you won’t get this page. Enter Add-on license quantity and click Save to purchase offer.

  • Now you will get a success message in portal and it will take around 15mins to reflect the changes in Hybr portal.

2.4.2 Cloud Service

In this “Cloud Service” menu, you can update and manage purchased CSP license.

To view purchased CSP license subscription

  • Click on “Cloud Service” menu in tenant portal

  • If you drill down into a subscription, you will see the details like Offer name, purchased add-on, and available add-on.

Update purchased CSP license

To update CSP license subscription,

  • Go to “Cloud Services->Subscriptions” tab

  • Click update button [BLUE color] against the subscription you want to update

  • Enter new license quantity in “Update Subscription” wizard

  • Click save

  • Now you will get a success message in portal and it will take around 2mins to reflect the changes in Hybr portal.

Suspend CSP license

To suspend CSP license subscription,

  • Go to “Cloud Services->Subscriptions” tab.

  • Click “Suspend” button [RED color] against the subscription you want to Suspend.

  • Click Yes in conformational prompt.

  • Now you will get a success message in portal and it will take around 10mins to reflect the changes in Hybr portal.

Activate CSP license

To activate suspended CSP license subscription,

  • Go to “Cloud Services->Subscriptions” tab.

  • Click “Activate” button against the suspended subscription you want to activate.

  • Click Yes in conformational prompt.

  • Now you will get a success message in portal and it will take around 2mins to reflect the changes in Hybr portal.

2.4.3 CSP Billing

Yet to update

Last updated