Configure Offline Marketplace Download

Operators can choose to enable Offline Marketplace Download which will then store the marketplace images in a share location and then publish them to the desired stamps. This helps to save the network bandwidth in the data center, allowing the image to be downloaded from Azure for first time to a shared location and using the same downloaded image to publish to other stamps when necessary.

If this feature is disabled, marketplace items download will work normally like any Azure Stack Hub, where the item is downloaded afresh from Azure every time to the respective stamps in a multi stamp environment.

In the Admin Portal, Login as a Service Admin → VConnect → Settings → Azure Stack Hub - Market place settings page to configure the settings.

Offline Repository Settings

  • Offline repository is a location where VConnect Resource Provider stores & maintains downloaded Marketplace items.

  • Ensure the configured location has ample space to store Marketplace items.



Offline Marketplace Download Enabled?

Enable / Disable Offline Marketplace feature

Shared Folder Path

Shared folder path to store offline Marketplace items


Username for the share folder path. (Optional)


Password for the share folder user account. (Optional)

Remote PowerShell Settings

Refer to Configure Remote Machine for PowerShell Access page for detailed steps to setup a remote PowerShell machine. Following are the main steps:

  • Offline Marketplace download feature requires a virtual machine with Az and Azs.Syndication.Admin PowerShell modules installed in it.

  • PowerShell cmdlets will invoke ARM endpoint of the Azure Stack Hub instances to import download Marketplace images.

  • The VM must be configured to allow remote PowerShell execution and WMI ports needs to be open

Once configured provide the following values in Remote PowerShell Machine Details tab



Remote Machine

Virtual machine name/IP address

Remote Machine Username

Username of an account with Administrator privilege

Remote Machine Password

Password for the user account used

Use HTTPS for WMI?

Set this to use HTTPS encryption for WMI

Remote Machine WMI Port

Configured port number for the WMI connection

Marketplace Syndication Application Settings

Azure subscription details in which the multiple Azure Stack Hub stamps that are registered.

  • Azure Application Id and Secret will be used to download the Marketplace products from Azure using Marketplace syndication tool. Refer documentation here to understand how the marketplace syndication tool will be used to download marketplace items.

  • Downloading Marketplace items from Azure will not be possible if the configured Azure Stack Hub instances are deployed in Disconnected model and also when there is no internet connectivity in the configured Remote PowerShell machine.

  • This setting is optional if the managed Azure Stack Hub stamps are ALL disconnected.

  • The setting can be overridden in the individual stamp connection level, if a specific stamp in the collection of stamps being managed is registered with a different azure subscription



Azure Subscription Id

Azure subscription Id against which the stamp is registered

Azure Directory Tenant Id

Active Directory Tenant Id

Azure Application Id

Azure Application Id

Azure Application Secret

Azure Application Secret

Configure a new Azure Stack Hub Stamp

Last updated