Version Update

Pre-Update Steps

SQL Server VM

Take a backup of Cloud Assert VConnect database, Billing and Cost management database (for Multi Stamp Management).

Update Steps

Resource Provider VM

  1. Sign in to VConnect Resource Provider Virtual Machine

  2. Unblock the VConnect Resource Provider update package .zip file and extract the contents to a temporary directory using any extractor tool

  3. Open a new elevated (administrative) PowerShell console and change to the directory where the files have been extracted. Use a new window to avoid problems that might arise from incorrect PowerShell modules that are already loaded on the system.

  4. Run UpdateBuild.ps1 with required parameters

> UpdateBuild.ps1 -SqlServerName "<fill-db-server-name>" -SqlUser "<fill-db-username>" -SqlPass "<fill-dbserver-password>" -VConnectDbName "<fill-vconnect-db-name>" -ConfigureBillingAndDacm $true 

> UpdateBuild.ps1 -SqlServerName "" -SqlUser "sa" -SqlPass "MakeItWork!" -VConnectDbName "CloudAssert.VConnect" -ConfigureBillingAndDacm $true

Parameter Name




IP Address. Specify instance if exists. Eg:



SQL Server authentication user name Eg: cadbadmin



SQL server SQL authenticated user (cadbadmin) password



Friendly name Eg: CloudAssert.VConnect




For installing Billing API and Cost management agent service in VConnect RP VM (Multi Stamp Management components),

set this value as true


Verify deployment in Azure Stack Portals

  • In the same Resource Provider VM, go to Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and Features -> verify 3 services DACM (Cost Management agent service), Billing API and VConnect API exist.

  • In Admin portal, go to All Services -> VConnect -> Azure Stack Hub, verify if it loads properly

  • In Tenant portal, go to All Services -> All Regions, verify if it loads properly


  • Where can I find VConnect database details?

    • In Admin Portal, go to All Services -> VConnect Settings Database settings to find the details

  • Where can I find VConnect database details?

    • Open a PowerShell window

    • Navigate to the location of VConnect tool (~\Setup\VConnectTool). This is inside the update package unzipped folder where this update got installed.

    • Run the below command by replacing the path of web.config with appropriate location

> VCONNECT.EXE UnsecureConfig C:\inetpub\MgmtSvc-CloudAssertBilling\Web.config

Please find database details in Connection String section and Billing API username and password from AppSettings section.

Last updated

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