
Azure Connection tab is used for managing Azure resources. You need to complete following things to start with Hybr.

Azure Connection

  1. List Connection

When clicking on this Azure Tab, list of available Azure Connection will be shown to user. In Case of no data related to Azure, a message will be shown.

To see the list of “Azure Connection”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> Azure” in Admin site

  • Now you can see the list of Azure connection

  1. Create Connection

In HYBR first step to start with is ‘Connection Creation’. The purpose of this connection creation is to tell HYBR about your Azure subscription details. Everything you do from Admin site is related to a Connection, like 1. creating VM Templates and 2. managing Tenant Offers which are all needs a connection.

To create a new “Azure Connection”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> Azure” in Admin site

  • Now you can see the list of Azure connection

  • Click “Create Azure connection”.

  • In “Add Azure Connection” wizard, you need to enter Azure subscription details. Below table will be helpful to fill this wizard.

Table: Azure Connection

  • Enter “Connection Name”, “Azure Subscription Id“, “Azure AD Application Id”, “Azure AD Tenant Id”, “Azure AD Application Password”, “Azure Default Location”. Check “Is Enabled for provisioning?” checkbox.

  • Click save

  • Now the new connection will be created and shown in Azure connection list page.

  1. Edit Connection

To edit an existing “Azure Connection”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> Azure” in Admin site

  • Click “Edit” button against a connection which you want to change.

  • In ‘Update Azure Connection’ wizard, change required details and click save.

  1. Delete Connection

Before deleting a connection, you should make sure that the connection is not mapped to any plans and the same does not has any resources [like VM] or Templates [VM Template / NW Template] associated with it.

To delete a “AWS Connection”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections-> Azure” in Admin site

  • Click “Delete” button against a connection which you want to delete

  • In the conformation window click Yes to delete the connection

  • Now the connection will be deleted and removed from Azure connection list

Note: You need Azure Connection as prerequisites to work on below sections from “VM template” to “Policy”

Last updated