Configure Remote Machine for PowerShell Access
Configuring PowerShell machine is required for Offline Marketplace Download feature.
Remote PowerShell Machine
The machine in which the required PowerShell modules needs to be installed must be accessible to the VConnect resource provider VM.
The VM can be created within the Azure Stack tenant subscription or it can be provisioned outside Azure Stack. Choose a Window Server Data Center 2016 with at least 8 GB RAM and 4 vCPUs.
Install PowerShell modules
Open a new elevated (administrative) PowerShell console and follow below instructions.
Follow instructions to Install PowerShell Az preview module for Azure Stack Hub. Refer this documentation in case there are issues while registering PowerShell Gallery.
Download the Azs.Syndication.Admin Module from the PowerShell Gallery using the command below.
Allow Remote PowerShell execution
Run the following PowerShell cmdlets in the elevated PowerShell window.
Configure PS Remote access, WinRM using following script
VConnect Resource Provider Machine
To execute PowerShell cmdlets from VConnect Resource Provider VM to Remote PowerShell machine, the remote machine IP must be trusted in WinRM inside the VConnect Resource Provider VM.
Execute the following PowerShell cmdlets in the VConnect Resource Provider VM.
Set AllowUnencrypted="true"
as needed.
Replace TrustedHosts ="
with IP of the machine used in 'Configure Remote PowerShell Machine' step
Last updated
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