Remove VConnect RP

When you are no longer using VConnect RP in an environment follow the below steps to remove it and its dependencies gracefully.


  1. Go to the original install location (c:\CloudAssert\VConnectMSMForAzS2002)

  2. Follow steps to run InstallVConnect.ps1 at Install VConnect RP including the parameter named -Uninstall $true

.\InstallVConnect.ps1 -DefaultProviderSubscriptionId "" -AdminArmEndpoint "" -DirectoryTenantName "" -ServiceAdmin "" -AdminPassword '' -TenantSubscriptionId "" -VmLocalAdminPass '' -PfxPassword '' -SqlServerName "" -SqlDbName "CloudAssert.VConnect" -SqlUser "" -SqlPass '' -SetupBillingAndDacm $True -BillingApiUserName "admin" -BillingApiPassword '' -BillingDatabaseName "CloudAssert.Billing" -DacmDatabaseName "CloudAssert.Dacm" -Uninstall $true


.\InstallVConnect.ps1 -DefaultProviderSubscriptionId "26ec7c55-594d-432f-a728-2c072b942acd" -AdminArmEndpoint "" -DirectoryTenantName "" -ServiceAdmin "" -AdminPassword 'TestPass@1234' -TenantSubscriptionId "80de4d0c-ae28-46eb-aab7-fc10aa92cebb" -VmLocalAdminPass 'TestPass@1234' -PfxPassword 'pass!!123' -SqlServerName "" -SqlDbName "CloudAssert.VConnect" -SqlUser "cadbadmin" -SqlPass 'TestPass@1234' -SetupBillingAndDacm $True -BillingApiUserName "admin" -BillingApiPassword 'Number12345$' -BillingDatabaseName "CloudAssert.Billing" -DacmDatabaseName "CloudAssert.Dacm" -Uninstall $true

Uninstall can take 15-30 minutes to complete normally.

3. Verify removing VConnect RP in Azure Stack Portals

  • In Admin Portal -> Resource Groups, the resource group named system. [location].cloudassert.vconnect should not exist.

  • In Tenant Portal -> Resource Groups, the resource group named system.[location].cloudassert.vconnect.rp should not exist.

4. Go to Admin portal -> Offers, clean up any Offers that VConnect RP was tied to and are no longer used

5. Go to Admin portal -> Plans, clean up any plans that VConnect RP was tied to and are no longer used

SQL Server

If the SQL Server was created only for VConnect RP exclusively and is no longer needed:

  1. Follow steps in Create SQL Server VM and necessary databases in a tenant subscription including the parameter named -Uninstall $true

  2. Once deployment successfully completes, Go to Resources -> verify SQL Server VM is not present

If the SQL Server is being used for other purposes and need to be retained:

Remove the below called out 3 databases CloudAssert.VConnect, CloudAssert.Billing, CloudAssert.DACM that was used by VConnect RP.

Last updated

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