Veeam Cloud Connect Integration
In Veeam Cloud connect, virtual machines backup data are stored in Cloud repository. Usage and Billing solution has integrated with VAC to compute the cost for Veeam Cloud connect usage.
Note: This is a licensed feature and will not be available by default along with the Usage and Billing solutions.
Configuring VAC Settings
Follow the below steps to configure VAC settings thru Billing.exe tool. Download the tool from here.
Logon to Usage and Billing API machine.
Open Command prompt.
Navigate to the folder which contains Billing.exe tool.
Type the following command to update the app setting and then press enter,
CLOUDASSERT.BILLING.TOOL.EXE AddAppSetting <key> <value> <group> [/isEncrypted] [/ApiEndpoint:<String>] [/Username:<String>] [/Password:<String>]
App Settings Table
App settings which are related to VAC integration as follows,
Enabling VAC feature
To enable VAC feature, update the app setting ‘IsVacServiceEnabled’ as true. (check below cmnd)
Enabling VAC Service in Plan
Logon to WAP Admin portal and click on Plans extension on the left pane.
Drill down in to a Plan that has Cloud Assert Billing service and navigate to the same.
Click ‘Yes’ button for ‘Enable VAC?’.
4. Specify the ‘Max Concurrent Tasks’.
5. Specify the ‘Limit incoming traffic to’.
6. Specify the ‘Backup Repository Name’ correctly as it is case sensitive.
7. Specify the ‘User Quota’.
8. Click Save.
Enabling VAC Service in Add-on
Logon to WAP Admin portal and click on Plans on the left.
Drill down in to an Add-On that has Cloud Assert Billing service and navigate to the same.
Click ‘Yes’ button for ‘Enable VAC?’.
Specify the ‘User Quota’.
Specify the ‘Bandwidth’.
Specify the ‘WAN Acceleration’ correctly as it is case sensitive.
Click Save.
Custom script settings
Download the ‘’ and extract it.
Open the scripts folder and open the ‘AddVacTenant.ps1’
Specify the Veeam backup server details,
Note: Repeat this step for all powershell scripts available in the scripts folder.
4. Place the scripts folder in ‘C:\inetpub\MgmtSvc-CloudAssertBilling\bin’
Note: If the Billing service is running on HA environment, place the scripts folder in all the nodes where Billing API service is installed.
Placing the Operation Templates
Download the ‘’ and extract it.
Open OpTemplates folder and copy the templates (json files)
Place the templates in ‘C:\inetpub\MgmtSvc-CloudAssertBilling\Templates’
Note: If the Billing service is running on HA environment, place the Templates in all the nodes where Billing API service is installed.
Custom collector settings
Download the '' and extract it.
Navigate to scripts folder and open the ‘veeam-cloudconnect-usage.ps1’.
Specify the Veeam backup server details,
4. Place the ‘veeam-cloudconnect-usage.ps1’ script in
‘C:\Program Files\CloudAssertBilling\CloudAssert.WAP.Billing.AgentService\Scripts'
Enabling Veeam Usage Extension
Extract the
Open the ‘UsageExtensionSettings.json’.
Edit ‘IsEnabled’ setting of Veeam Usage extension (can find Veeam usage extension by Id: ‘CloudAssert.Veeam.VeeamCloudConnectextension.v0.1’) as True to enable it.
Enabling Usage Extension processor
Logon to Usage and Billing – Agent service machine.
Navigate to ‘C:\Program Files\CloudAssertBilling\CloudAssert.WAP.Billing.AgentService’.
Open the ‘CloudAssert.WAP.Billing.AgentService.exe.config’ file.
Enable the Usage extension processor by setting its value to True.
5. Specify the path of ‘UsageExtensionsSettings.json’.
Enabling pricing for VAC resources
Enable pricing for VAC resources, as required. (Refer to Creating a Pay-As-You-Go Pricing Profile)
2. The above meters are available in the default pricing profile. Admin can set the desired prices as required.
Last updated