Payment Gateway Integration
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The integrated payment gateway allows the users to make payments for their consumption of services based on the actual usage. It allows the users to pay their invoice from the Usage and Billing solution.
Note: The payment gateway integration is a licensed feature and will not be available in the trial versions of the Usage and Billing solution. It is available for versions higher than v1.
Logon to WAP Admin portal, click on Usage and Billing on the Left.
Click on the ‘SETTINGS’ Tab.
Click ‘PRODUCT FEATURES’ sub tab.
Enable ‘’ Is Payment Gateway Feature Enabled?
Click ‘SAVE’ button.
Logon to and click ‘Register’ button at the bottom.
Open a notepad file and make a note of the Merchant ID and save the file as ‘CyberSource_Credential.txt’.
Click next till the registration process is complete in the CyberSource registration page.
A verification mail will be sent to the email id specified during the registration process.
From the verification mail make a note of the Organization Id and the contact email Id in a notepad file (e.g. CyberSource_Credential.txt) and click the link in the mail.
Specify the Organization Id and contact email Id and click ‘SUBMIT’ button.
After completing the Account Admin account and Merchant admin account login to ‘’ if not already logged in. {go to if you are using the Test environment.}
Navigate to Tools & Settings -> Profiles and click Create profile.
Specify the details and click create.
Once the profile is successfully created the following screen appears, make a note of the Profile Id from the top of the screen in the notepad file (eg. CyberSource_Credential.txt).
Click the ‘Payment Settings’ icon and click ‘Add/ Edit Cards types’.
Select the type of card from the list which will be later used by the tenant to make the payments.
Click ‘Update’ button and click ‘Save’ button.
Click ‘Customer Response Pages’ from the profile home screen.
Select ‘Hosted by you’ radio button and specify as ‘http://localhost/secureacceptance/receipt.aspx’
Specify the ‘Web Address’ at the bottom and click the ‘Save’ button.
Click ‘Security’ icon form Profile home screen.
Click ‘Create New Key’ button.
Specify the ‘Key name’, ‘Signature Version’ version as Version 1 and ‘’Signature Method as HMAC-SHA256 and click ‘Generate Key’ button.
Copy paste the ‘Access Key’ and ‘Secret Key’ in a notepad file (e.g. CyberSource_Credential.txt) and click ‘Close’ button.
Click ‘Payment Form’ icon form Profile home screen.
Check ‘Billing Information’ check box from ‘Checkout Steps’ section.
Check the necessary fields and give Read/Write permission for the fields and specify whether the Field is required or not by checking/unchecking necessary fields.
Click ‘Save’ button.
Important Note: Once all the settings are configured in the profile, it is mandatory to click ‘Promote to Active’ button from Profile home screen.
Once the payment gateway settings are configured it is necessary to update the CloudAssertBilling database in-order for the payment gateway integration to take effective.
All the credentials such as ‘Merchant Id’, ‘Merchant Profile Id’, ’Access Key’ and ‘Secret/Security Key’ must be saved into a notepad file. (e.g. CyberSource_Credential.txt)
These credential need to be encrypted before inserting them to the database.
Write to requesting the above credentials to be encrypted.
A SQL query will be sent within 1 to 2 business days.
Run the query in the SQL Management Studio.
Logon to the machine where Usage and Billing database is installed.
Navigate to [dbo].[AppSettings] table.
Right click on the table name and click ‘Edit top 200 Rows’.
Search for ‘PostbackUrlForAdmins’ and ‘PostbackUrlForTenants’.
Replace the Admin URL and Tenant URL in the highlighted area as seen in the below image.
Save the table.