Other Configurable Settings

App Settings Table

There are few configurable settings in Usage and Billing which can be configured by editing ‘dbo.AppSettings’ table in the ‘CloudAssertBilling’ database.

API Service Configuration File

The ‘Web.config’ file is located at ‘C:\inetpub\MgmtSvc-CloudAssertBilling’ in the machines where the Cloud Assert Usage and Billing API Service is installed.

  • Replace the ‘Data Source’, ‘User Id’ and ‘Password’ values with the WAP server name, database User Id and Password in the following line if already not set.

<add name="WapMembershipDatabase" connectionString="Data Source=localhost;User Id=sa; Password=[[ReplaceWithYourPassword]]; Initial Catalog=Microsoft.MgmtSvc.PortalConfigStore;" />

Agent Service Configuration File

The job processors of Usage and Billing solutions can turned on and off by changing the values in the ‘CloudAssert.WAP.Billing.AgentService.exe.config’ file located at ‘C:\Program Files\ CloudAssertBilling\ CloudAssert.WAP.Billing.AgentService’ in the machine where the Cloud Assert Usage and Billing Agent Service is installed.

Updating WAP Membership Connection

  • Find the line that has ‘WapMembershipDatabase’ in it.

  • Replace the ‘Data Source’, ‘User Id’ and ‘Password’ values with the WAP server name, database User Id and Password in the following line if already not set.

<add name="WapMembershipDatabase" connectionString="Data Source=localhost;User Id=sa; Password=[[ReplaceWithYourPassword]]; Initial Catalog=Microsoft.MgmtSvc.PortalConfigStore;" />

Invoice Processor Settings

This setting has to be set as ‘TRUE’ for WHMCS integration. It sends the invoices of tenants to the WHMCS portal.

Setting ‘IsAutoApproveInvoices’ value to ‘True’ from the above image will auto-approve the invoices by admin, and will be made ready for processing by WHMCS. This has to be set in ‘App Settings’ table also (Refer App Settings Table).

Invoice notifier Settings

Marking this setting ‘True’ will auto-suspend the subscription if the tenants fail to pay the invoice on or before the Due date (Refer step 335 & 6 from Step 6 – Configure Invoice Settings). It is also responsible for sending warning and reminder emails to tenants on invoice due date. It also reactivates the subscriptions automatically upon successful payment of invoice.

Low Credit Checker Settings

Marking this setting ‘True’ will auto-suspends the subscriptions of the user if more credits are consumed beyond the allotted limit. It also sends an email notification to the user upon suspending or reactivating the subscriptions.

Once the setting is set to ‘True’ in configuration file, it has to be set in the ‘App Settings’ table as well (Refer App Settings Table).

User Invoice Aggregator Settings

This setting has to be set as ‘TRUE’ to generate invoices per user.

Subscription State Processor Settings

This setting has to be set as ‘TRUE’ to auto suspend / delete the subscription upon reaching its expiry date/ delete after days.

FTP Push Setting

This setting will push the invoice csv files to the ftp server location which can be later used by any ERP system.

  • Logon to WAP Admin portal, click on Usage and Billing on the Left.

  • Click on the ‘SETTINGS’ Tab.

  • Click ‘FTP SERVER’ sub tab.

  • Check the ‘IS FTP PUSH ENABLED’ checkbox for the invoices to be sent to the FTP/SFTP severs.

  • Specify the fields as seen in the above screenshot.

  • Click ‘Save’ button.

Note: A manual restart of the Billing Agent service might be required for the FTP Push settings to work properly.

Customizing Column Order in CSV Files

Usage and Billing solutions allows to set the column order, remove unwanted columns and give friendly name for any downloadable csv file. This can be done by editing the App Settings Table values for ‘CsvColumnOrderForSubscription’, ‘CsvColumnOrderForAllUsers’ and ‘CsvColumnOrderForAllInvoices’.

Adding Custom Column and Custom Data in Invoice CSV File

Custom column and custom data for each and every column for the invoice CSV file can be added.

Adding Custom Column

  • Logon to the machine where Usage and Billing database is installed.

  • Navigate to [dbo].[AppSettings] table.

  • Right click on the table name and click ‘Edit top 200 Rows’.

  • Search for the key ‘CsvColumnOrderForAllInvoices’ (Refer App Settings Table).

  • In the corresponding value add the custom column name anywhere separated by a comma (,).

Adding Custom Data

  • Logon to WAP Admin portal, click on Usage and Billing on the Left.

  • Click on the ‘USAGE’ Tab.


  • Drill down into a desired subscription and click on the ‘ADD CUSTOM PROPERTIES’ button at the bottom.

  • Check the ‘Include Custom Properties in Invoice Csv?’ to view the available coumns.

  • In the following dialog box that appears, specify the column name from the ‘AVAILABLE COLUMNS’ list and specify the value.

  • Click complete button to save the values.

  • Click ‘INVOICES’ sub tab under ‘USAGE’ tab.

  • Click ‘Export All Invoices’ button at the bottom to download the csv file.

Last updated