Configure VConnect PowerShell Modules

Cloud Assert PowerShell modules can help with troubleshooting and automation

Install CloudAssert PowerShell modules

  • Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name CloudAssert.Common
Install-Module -Name CloudAssert.VConnect


Use -force to update the PowerShell Module with the latest version.

Add VConnect API Connection

Execute the following command to add VConnect RP API connection


API Connection Name

Name the API connection for the future reference. Ex: vconnect-api

API Endpoint Url

VConnect Service API Endpoint of the Resource Provider. Format: https://vconnect.<Azure Stack FAQN>:44305

API User

VConnect Service API authentication username. Ex: cloudassertadminuser


VConnect Service API athentication password

Run the following command to validate connectivity status

Get-VConnectAzsStampsHealth -endpointName [vconnect-api-connection-name] -printToConsole

Repalce the input for endpointName with the actual connection name added in the previous name.

Add SQL Database Connection

Execute the following command to add VConnect RP API connection


Connection Name

Name the SQL database connection for the future reference. Ex: vconnect-sql

DB Server Name

VConnect SQL Server name or IP Address. Format:

DB Server Name

VConnect Database SQL authentication username. Ex: cadbadmin


VConnect Database SQL athentication password

DB Name (Optional)

VConnect Database name. Ex. CloudAssert.VConnect

Last updated