Update Client Secret in AzureStack Hub Connection

The following steps will help you update the newly generated Client Secret in AzureStack Hub connection

  1. Login in the Azure Stack Hub Admin Portal

  2. Navigate to VConnect -> Connections -> Azure Stack Hub

  3. Select the Connection for which the Application Secret got expired and click Edit

  4. Note down the Application ID

  1. Login in to the Azure Portal with the Active Directory User who have owner privileges for Default Provider Subscription in Azure Stack Hub Portal.

  2. Go to App Registrations

  3. Search for the Application ID noted down in #4

  4. Once filtered, click on the Application (Cloud Assert VConnect SPN)

  5. Go to Certificates and Secrets

  6. Click on 'New client secret' and note down the Secret

  1. Go to the Azure Stack Hub Connection Page in Azure Stack Admin Portal

  2. Paste the new secret and Update the Connection.

Last updated