Request Management

Navigate to the VConnect > Service Request section to view the deployment statuses of all the tenants.

Service Request

  • Click ‘Service Requests’ section to view the status of the Service Request raised by the tenants.

  • Select a request whose status is ‘Waiting for Approval’ and approve/deny the request.

Deployment Request

  • Click ‘Deployment Requests’ section to view the status of the Deployment Request raised by the tenants.

  • Select a request whose status is ‘Waiting for Approval’ and approve/deny the request.


  • The ongoing operation template deployments are viewed here.

  • If any operation fails, the admin can re-try the deployment and can see it running again.

  • Deployments drill down tab shows the list of operations in a deployment.


  • Tenant users who can approve/deny a deployment request or service request.

  • Navigate to VConnect > RMS > Users

Create or Edit a User

Approval Tiers

  • Approval tiers decide the request routing to approvers. Approval tiers can be configured based on Business Unit and Department. Tier can be added in format of <BusinessUnit Name>-Tier<Level> or <Department Name>-Tier<Level> based on business.

  • Navigate to VConnect > RMS > Approval Tiers

Create Approval Tiers

Approval Participants

  • Approval Participant is a workflow user for specific tier who will approve/reject request, receive email notifications based on roles configured.

  • Here a workflow user may contain different role

    • Requestor Role: Requestor is a tenant user who will create a request for approval.

    • Approver Role: Approver is a tenant user who will approve/reject the request created by requestor.

    • Contributor Role (SME) and Inform Role (Help Desk): Contributor and Inform is a tenant user who will receive the email notification after approval.

  • Navigate to VConnect > RMS > Approval Tiers, click a tier

Add or Edit Approval Participant

Last updated