Enabling End Users To View Usage Costs And Quota Consumption For Subscriptions Across Stamps
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The tenant users can view the usage cost and quota consumption for the subscriptions that they own across stamps. the following are the steps to enable the same.
This feature is currently supported only for connected Azure Stack Hub integrated with single Azure Active directory tenant.
Create new multi-tenant app E.g. Billing_Consent_App.
Ensure redirect URL is specified.
Redirect URL Format: https://billing.cloudassert.FQDN:44303/Client/Billing/Templates/AadAuth.html
Ensure the following Authentication is given.
Ensure the following API permissions are specified.
Microsoft. Graph -> Directory.Read.All, openid, profile and User.Read
Update the app ID created in Azure portal using the command 'UpdateBillingConsentAppId.ps1' from the Billing resource provider VM.
When prompted, specify the app ID.
The script 'UpdateBillingConsentAppId.ps1' will be available as part of the patch updates.
Use the billing tool command 'Update VConnect API Credentials' to update the VConnect API credentials in the Billing 'AppSettings' table.
Create a plan 'CrossStampmanagement' with billing service.
Create an offer and attach the plan.
Create a User Subscription (E.g. 'CrossStampManagementSubscription') for an operator account.
Login to tenant portal as the operator and register the billing service for CrossStampManagementSubscription.
Click Billing -> Manage Subscriptions, click master stamp and click the 'Associate' button.
Login to the user account when prompted.
Give consent to the Azure app if prompted.
Click the newly created subscription - 'CrossStampManagementSubscription' and click the 'Delegate Access' button.
From the admin portal click Billing -> settings -> Multi-Stamp Management Settings.
Update the 'CrossStampManagementSubscription' subscription ID in 'Management Subscription ID' field and click on the 'Save' button.