Azure Stack Certification Authority certificate
Following script connects to Privileged Endpoint and generates the required AzureStackCertificationAuthority.cer file.
On AzS Development Kits, sign in to the physical host.
On multi-node integrated systems, the host must be a system that can access the privileged endpoint.
Place the file in a temp folder (c:\CloudAssert). Right click -> Properties -> Unblock -> Apply -> OK. If you don't have this installer please reach out to our team and we will provide you with latest installer and trial license.
Extract the contents to the same folder (c:\CloudAssert)
Open a new elevated (administrative) PowerShell console and change to the directory where the files have been extracted (c:\CloudAssert\BillingRP). Use a new window to avoid problems that might arise from incorrect Power Shell modules that are already loaded on the system.
Run GetAzureStackCertificationAuthority.ps1 and specify the required parameters
Parameter Name
PrivilegedEndpoint IP Address
The script will prompt for PEP endpoint cloud admin credentials. Once provided, the script will create the AzureStackCertificationAuthority.cer file inside the Cert folder.
Take a backup of AzureStackCertificationAuthority.cer file and place it inside the Cert folder incase the resource provider deployment needs to be re-initiated.
Last updated
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