Pricing Profiles Management

This page gives a detailed information about how to create and manage pricing profile

Navigate to Billing -> Pricing -> Pricing Profiles

In this page the service provider can create and manage pricing profiles that is to be added while configuring the Billing plan service in plan

To learn more about Plan click Plans Management

Pricing Profile Creation

Step 1: Navigate to Billing -> Pricing -> Pricing Profile

The existing pricing profiles will be listed here.

Step 2: To create a new pricing profile click 'Create New Pricing Profile.'

Step 3: Fill in the mandatory field in the popup.

  • Pricing profile Name

  • You can set monthly fee by checking 'Set Monthly Fee?'

  • You can also set on time fee, this cost will be applied during first invoicing cycle.

  • Select the region, ISO currency and currency symbol.

  • Markup percentage - The invoices under this pricing profile will have this markup percentage.

  • Base Pricing Profile - By selecting the base pricing profile, all the meters in the base pricing profile will be listed in this pricing profile.

  • You can select the promotion type and promo credits in percentage of cost.

Override Base MRP

The service provider can add markup or discount to the MRP on products.

Drill down into the created pricing profile and click 'Override Base MRP'

Select the product that you want to apply markup of discount

Enter the pricing details, and enter discount or markup in percentage or cost

The created pricing profile can be used to configure Billing plan service for end customer plans or resellabel plans.

Last updated