Offers Management

In Hybr, every Tenants need to be subscribed with an offer. Through this offer, Hybr tenants can avail the plan which is associated with the offer.

In plans, you can choose services for the same and you can specify settings for services [i.e Plan Settings] which are configured. Hybr currently has two services which are 1. VConnect and 2. Billing. This service specific settings could be done in plans and these settings are applicable to one plan only. For having more plan, you need to specify settings for each plan individually.

To onboard new Hybr Tenant, offer and plan are very important things. Refer below figure for more clarity on Hybr Offers/plans.

1.4.1 Offers

In Offers tab, you can see list of offers. There is no restriction for no. of offers and you can add as many offers you want.

  • Create offer

To create an offer,

  • Navigate to “Offers” tab in Admin . You will see the list of offers.

  • Click “Create Offer” button

  • Enter offer “Name” and “Description”

  • Click save

    • Edit offer

To edit an offer,

  • Navigate to “Offers” tab in Admin

  • Click “Edit” button against the offer you want to edit

  • Change details and click save

    • Delete offer

To delete an offer,

  • Navigate to “Offers” tab in Admin

  • Click “Delete” button against the offer you want to delete

  • Click Yes in conformation prompt to delete the offer

    • Link plan

To Link plan to an offer,

  • Navigate to “Offers” tab in Admin

  • Click “Link Plan” button against the offer you want to attach plan

  • Choose plan from drop down

  • Click save

    • Remove plan

To remove a plan from offer,

  • Navigate to “Offers” tab in Admin

  • Click “Remove Plan” button near the plan name you want to remove from the offer

  • Click “Remove Plan” button near the plan which you want to remove in “Linked Plans” column. In Below screen, you can see that plan “Upgrade Plan” is removed from “Trial.Admin.Offer” offer.

Last updated