Reseller Management
This page gives a detailed information about how to manage resellers inside the Service Provider Portal
There are three steps involved in creating and managing the reseller
1. Create Pricing Profile for a reseller and set markup and discount
Creating pricing profile is a way to set pricing for the list of products for the reseller or customer.
The service provider can add markup or discount to each product inside a pricing profile.
To learn more about Microsoft CSP pricing in Hybr visit Microsoft CSP
To learn more about pricing profile management in Hybr visit Pricing Profiles Management
2. Create and configure reseller plans and offers
Service provider can create plans and offers to onboard a reseller.
Plan Creation
Plans define what are the services and its quotas that the reseller has access for their tenant management.
Navigate to Reseller -> Plan. The reseller can create and manage plans in this page
By drilling down to a specific plan, the service provider can view and add various plan service
CloudAssertBilling - Plan Service
In this plan service the service provider can configure the pricing profile and other quotas related to billing.
Offers and Plans - Plan Service
In this plan service, the service provider can configure what are all the plans created by the service provider will be visible to the reseller who avails an offer linked with the plan.
The plans that are configured in the plan service 'Offers and Plans' are known as resellable plans
To learn more about Reseller plan visit Reseller Plan
Offer Creation
Navigate to Resellers -> Offers
Here the service provider can create and manage offers for the reseller.
Service provider can map a plan to an offer so that the reseller who will be onboarded with that offer will have access to all the quotas defined in the plan.
To learn more about Reseller Offer click Reseller Offer
3. Resellers Management
Service Provider can create and manage reseller and the end customer companies created by the reseller.
Navigate to Reseller -> Overview
In this page the service provider can onboard and manage the resellers.
Reseller Onboarding
Service provider can onboard a reseller with an offer configured inside the reseller. The services of the plan linked to the offer will be available for the reseller.
The basic reseller details should be entered as apart of onboarding. A new reseller will be created
The service provider can switch to the reseller portal by clicking the switch icon in the action's column.
By switching the to reseller portal, the service provider can perform all the actions that are performed by the reseller.
Mapping a Service Provider's company and subscription to a Reseller
By drilling down into a reseller, the service provider can view and manage all the companies that are mapped to a reseller
The service provider can map their companies and their subscriptions to a reseller
The companies created by the reseller in the reseller portal can be viewed here
The service provider can switch to the companies that are mapped to a reseller by clicking the switch icon in the action's column.
Reseller Users Management
The users under a reseller will have access to the reseller portal and can perform functions based on their role.
Navigate to Resellers -> Overview -> Select a Reseller -> Select 'Users' tab
Here the service provider can add users to a reseller and assign a role to the user.
Last updated