Policy Management


Hybr supports scheduled power operation [like On/OFF] on VMs and that is called policy. In this policy, you can schedule operation on daily/weekly/monthly basis and that operation will be executed at specified time.

  • Add Policy

To schedule policy,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->VCenter” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to schedule policy.

  • Click policy tab

  • Click “Create Policy”

  • In “Add policy” wizard, Enter Policy “Name”, “Type”.

Schedule: in this, Specify Daily/Monthly and choose time.

Operation: Choose an operation name from drop down.

  • Check “Is Enabled?” checkbox to enable this policy. If this is not checked, the policy will be disabled and won’t executed on resources.

  • Click save button, now the policy will be saved and shown in policy list

  • Edit Policy

To edit a policy,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->VCenter” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to edit policy.

  • Click policy tab

  • Click “Edit” for a policy

  • In “Update Policy” wizard, change details as required

  • Click save

    • Delete Policy

To delete a policy,

  • Navigate to VConnect->Connections->VCenter in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to delete policy.

  • Click policy tab

  • Click “Delete” for a policy which you want to delete

  • Click Yes in conformation prompt

  • Now the policy will be deleted and the same is not shown in policy list.

Last updated