VM Template management

VM Template

For creating VMs, VM Template creation is very important thing. Based on the inputs from “VM Template” a new VM will be deployed by Hybr.

By using this VM template, we can pass inputs like OS platform, network, disk type, user details and other customization details. And you can set this input to get details from tenant when they create VMs.

When creating VM template, you need to configure few important inputs and what we call as param. You can add own prams as per the need and make use of that in VM deployment. You can also add scripts as param and use it in VM deployment.

Before creating VM template, we need to create ‘template’ in VMM. You can refer this link for more details on creating Templates using VMM [refer].

  • List

To see the list of “VM Template” for a SPF connection,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->System Center VMM” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection to see the list of templates

  • Create

To add a “VM Template” for a SPF connection,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->System Center VMM” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection which you want to add template

  • Click ‘Create Template’ button

  • In “Add Template” wizard, choose “OS Platform” to see the list of “SYSTEMCENTER VM TEMPLATE”

  • Choose “SYSTEMCENTER VM TEMPLATE” from drop down

  • Enter Template “Display Name”, “Description”. You will be using this “Display Name” in future references.

  • Check this “IS ENABLED FOR PROVISIONING?” checkbox to enable this template for VM creation.

  • Click Next and fill mandatory params

Table – SPF VM Template params

  • Configure “NETWORKNAME” param

  • Click next and configure “Admin Account”, “Password” params

  • Click save button

  • Now the new template will be added and shown in template list.

Note: To set any params to get details from tenant, you need to check both checkboxes “Is Required” and “Is Configurable by Tenant”

  • Edit

To edit an existing “VM Template” for a SPF connection,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->System Center VMM” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to edit template

  • Click “Edit” button against the ‘VM Template’ which you want to edit

  • In “Update Template” wizard, change details as required and click next

  • In next page, change param details if needed

  • Click next

  • Click save to update the changes

    • Clone

To clone a “VM Template”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->System Center VMM” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to clone template

  • Click “Clone” button against the respective ‘VM Template’

  • In “Clone Template” wizard, enter “New Template” Name

  • Click save

  • Now the template will be cloned and shown in template list.

  • Publish

You can publish the VM template as “Service Catalog” offer and make it visible to tenants. So, tenants can buy this offer from ‘Service Catalog’. Refer this to know more about “Service Catalog” offer [refer].

To publish a “VM Template”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->System Center VMM” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to publish template.

  • Click “Publish” button against the respective ‘VM Template’

  • Enter details


  • Click save


  • Delete

Before deleting a VM template, you should check that the template is not mapped to any Plans and the same is not published as “Service Catalog Offer”.

To delete a “VM Template”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->System Center VMM” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to delete template

  • Click “Delete” button against the respective ‘VM Template’

  • Click Yes in conformation prompt

  • Now the template will be deleted and removed from list.

  • Edit Params

To edit params for an existing “VM Template”,

  • Navigate to “VConnect->Connections->System Center VMM” in Admin site

  • Drill down into a connection for which you want to edit template

  • Click “Edit Param” button against the ‘VM Template’ which you want to edit

  • Change details as required and click save

  • Now the param changes will be updated to template

    1. How to add new Params for a template?

Refer this section for more details on this [Link]

Last updated