Virtual Machines

Virtual Machines and their current status are shown and can be managed from the Virtual Machines area.

  • Virtual Machines are shown as per the access defined at Subscription and Resource Groups.

  • Power Operations, disk reconfigurations, Network configurations, etc., can be performed in a Virtual Machine from the overview page if it is enabled by the service admin.

Create a Virtual Machine

To create a new Virtual Machine, Click 'Create Virtual Machines'

  • Select the subscription, resource group, and connection in which the Virtual machine to be created.

  • Fill the Virtual Machine details including Template, Name, and Instance Size.

  • Customize further by choosing a network and other details if enabled by your service admin.

  • On completion, a new VM with status as ‘Create Requested’ in the 'Virtual Machines' tab is shown.

  • Virtual Machine creation progress can be tracked in status in the 'Deployment Jobs' area of the 'Request Management' page. Check the job with the requested Virtual Machine as the job name

  • On navigating to the specifc job, current progress is shown. Choose between ‘Graph view’ and 'Table View' to monitor the progress.

Monitor a Virtual Machine

On Navigating to a specific Virtual Machine from the main page, the dashboard with more details is shown.

  • Quick glance area includes subscription details, Deployment details, VM status, IP Address, OS, and VM Size. It also provides details on Cores, RAM, Storage.

  • VM CPU metrics graph shows the CPU usage and memory when VM is running.

Reconfigure a Virtual Machine

Configure tab lists the current configuration and has options to reconfigure. The below options vary based on the configurations set by your service admin,

  • Change Virtual Machine Size and Resource Groups

  • Add and Delete Disks

  • Attach and Detach Networks

  • Mount and Unmount ISO

  • Clone a Virtual Machine

Manage Snapshots

Virtual Machine Snapshots are available for VCenter connections. A snapshot preserves the state and data of a virtual machine at a specific point in time.

  • The state includes the virtual machine’s power state (for example, powered-on, powered-off, suspended).

  • The data includes all of the files that make up the virtual machine. This includes disks, memory, and other devices, such as virtual network interface cards.

A virtual machine provides several operations for creating and managing snapshots and snapshot chains. These operations let you

  • Create snapshots

  • Revert to any snapshot in the chain

  • Remove snapshots

Last updated