Linked Clone

Linked Clone pre-requisites

Linked Clone

Linked Clone is an optional setting which can be set by Admin in a VM Template. The list of pre-requisites of linked clone are listed below


  1. vCenter 6.7

  2. VMware PowerCLI version - To be installed on the RP server(s)

Directory structure

  1. A new directory needs to be created on the first level directory on the datacenter in vCenter server.

  2. Create a new VM with the required software's and configurations.

You can drag and drop the VMs in to the new directory if you have already created a VM in a different folder in the vCenter server

  1. Create a snapshot of the VM

    1. Once a VM is created, a snapshot of the VM should be created

Once a snapshot is created, any new changes made on the parent vm will not reflect on the cloned VM. To reflect the changes, a new snapshot has to be created and updated in Hybr's VM Template

Hybr Mapping for Linked Clone

Hybr uses VM Template to provision VMs. To enable Linked Clone, Admin should set the linked clone properties in Hybr VM Template.

Parameters include:

  1. Parent VM Name

  2. Parent VM Folder Name

  3. Parent VM's snapshot name

It is recommend to maintain an excel sheet with the list of all Hybr VM Templates and it's Linked Clone mapping parameters. This will come handy as a reference when there are a lot of templates.

For all existing templates, CLI shall be used to update the templates with the Linked Clone parameters.

Parent VM Requirements

In Parent VM – (One time Process)

  1. Enabled Administrator User Set password for the Administrator

  2. User UAC we brought down

  3. Shut down the parent VM

  4. Snapshot to be taken on the Parent VM

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