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Log in to Azure Portal ( and navigate to Azure Active Directory(AAD) -> App Registration.
Select "New Registration" to create a new app registration for AAD.
Give a friendly App Registration name and register it.
Once registered, new application will be created.
Navigate to "Certificates & Secrets" available in the navigation.
Create a new client secret for the newly created application.
Give a friendly description for the secret and select its expiry time based on the need and complete the process by adding it.
Once the client secret is created, copy the value and save it for the future use, since it can't be retrived again.
Now, an application is created for the subscription with client secret. The details from the Application Overview can be used to onboard Azure Connection for the endpoint type "Azure Subscription Details" without logging in.
A detailed explanation and steps for onboarding Azure subscription in Hybr is available below.
Log into Azure Portal( and navigate to Cost Management.
Select "Export" from navigation option available.
Add the cost exports for the selected subscription.
Give a friendly name for the cost export being added.
Select the export type as "Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly" or "One time" based on the need.
Hybr supports the export type of "Daily","Monthly" and "One time", so cost exports can be created for all the three types.
Provide Storage accout details, where the cost exports need to be stored.
Either an existing account or new account can be created for any available subscription.
The data provided during the cost export creation will be the exact same details that need to be provided during the azure connection onboard in Hybr for the endpoint type "Azure Cost Export" without getting Admin consent.
A detailed explanation and steps for onboarding Azure Cost Export connection in Hybr is available below.
Log in to Hybr Admin portal and navigate to Reporting → Data Sources -> Connections page.
Note: The below pre-requisite is required only when the Azure Application has to be created automatically. It is not needed for manual onboard.
A Global Administrator of Azure Active Directory is required to grant Admin Consent to Hybr Application for creating Azure Application and Service Principal to access the subscription resources.
Click on Grant Admin Consent button
Grant Admin Consent dialog opens. Click on ok button
Login with an account (Global Administrator) who has permissions to grant access. A pop-up window opens requesting permission to grant access for Hybr Application.
Select the checkbox 'Consent on behalf of your organization' and click Accept button.
To create a new connection, follow these steps:
Log in to Hybr Admin portal and navigate to Reporting → Data Source -> Connections page.
Create a Azure Connection using Create Connection button.
Select Connection category as "Azure".
Give a friendly connection name to the Azure connection.
Click on any endpoint to create an Azure connection
Select or de-select Continue without Logging In Button based on your needs.
Login and onboard (Continue without logging in is de-selected) - Will allow to login in using Azure credentials and automatically shows up the subscriptions available for the logged in user, from which he can select the required subscription.
Manual onboard (Continue without logging in is selected) - The user can continue to onboard the subscription by manually providing the required details.( Prerequisite : The necessary needed resources for Azure connection( Azure Application, Service Principal, Cost Exports, etc.) should be created from Azure Portal and those details must be provided)
Select the Endpoint as "Azure Subscription Details" and click Next button
Login pop-up window appears. Provide the credentials which has access to the subscription that needs to be onboarded
Once the login is successful, the user subscriptions will be listed.
Select the required subscription
Selecting 'Create Azure Application automatically' will create an application and service principal automatically if the logged in user has required permissions to create them. If the user does not have the permission to create an application, unselect the checkbox and click on next step
The Azure Application and service principal will be created and access control will be provided to the service principal to access subscription resources.
In next step, select 'Configure Azure Cost Export' to configure the cost exports for selected subscription
Select Cost Export Data Type as Daily, Monthly and One-Time, Type as Usage or Actual Cost.
Select the storage subscription and storage account where cost exports should be downloaded
Click Complete button to create the required Azure Cost Exports and Azure Connections.
This will create both Azure Api Endpoint Connection and Azure Cost Export Connection
Pre-Requisite : Create necessary resources before entering the credentials (e.g. Subscription)
Select the Endpoint as "Azure Cost Export" and click Next button
Enter the Subscription Id for which cost export need to be done
Cost Export Data Type :
Usage Cost - Selecting this will export the Usage Cost
Actual Cost - Selecting this will export the Actual Cost
Export Type :
Daily - Selecting this will export data with granularity Daily
Selecting this granularity will ask for Storage Directory for Daily granularity and its Exports name
Monthly - Selecting this will export data with granularity Monthly
Selecting this granularity will ask for Storage Directory for Monthly granularity and its Exports name
One Time - Selecting this will export data with granularity One Time
Selecting this granularity will ask for Storage Directory for One time granularity and its Exports name
Enter the Storage Subscription Id and Storage Account Connection string where the exports will be downloaded and complete the wizard
Select the Endpoint as "Azure Subscription Details" and click Next button
Enter the Subscription Id, Tenant Id, Application Id and Secret , Arm endpoint Url and TokenRequest Resource Url and click next
Configure Azure Cost Export
Enable - will create a connection for azure cost export connection ( as same as above steps for cost export)
Disable - Only creates connection with subscription details
Connection will be created
If you want to make changes to an existing connection, follow these steps.
Log in to Hybr Admin portal and navigate to Reporting → Data Sources -> Connections page.
Select the connection and click on the "Edit" button
The saved details will be auto filled in the wizard
Make the desired changes to your connection.
Save your changes.