Once you have installed Ubuntu 22.04, you'll need to install java. Please run the command below.
$ sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk
Once you're Set the environmental variables for ubuntu in the ~/.bashrc file. Enter into the file (nano ~/.bashrc) add the following lines at the end of the file enough, save the world:
Save the file by pressing ctrl + o and exit from the nano editor by pressing ctrl + x and run the command to refresh the environmental variables
source ~/.bashrc
Move to the root folder by using “su –“. If you are new, set the root password by using the command “sudo passwd”
Move the Automated script in current location to the root folder by using the command “mv CloudAssert-InstallGuacamole1-0-0.sh /root/”
Run the following script by using the command “sh CloudAssert-InstallGuacamole1-0-0.sh"
Guacamole Setup
If you are unable to download the above CloudAssert-InstallGuacamole1-0-0.sh, Please copy paste this script on your shell and execute.
Port access: Guac uses 8080 port as part of Tomcat server. If you enable SSL (https) for tomcat. Please make sure to allow the port 443 in guac server.
The default guac portal cred is set as admin in authorize tag at line# 45. Please feel free to change it before you run.