Plans Management

In Plans tab, you can see list of plans. As like offers, there is no restriction for no. of plans.

  • Create plan

To create a plan,

  • Navigate to “Plans” tab in Admin. You will see the list of plans.

  • Click “Create Plan” button

  • Enter plan “Name” and “Description”

  • Click save

    • Edit plan

To edit a plan,

  • Navigate to “Plans” tab in Admin

  • Click “Edit” button

  • Change details as required

  • Click save

    • Delete plan

To delete a plan,

  • Navigate to “Plans” tab in Admin

  • Click “Delete” button

  • Click Yes in conformation prompt to delete the plan

    • Link services

Hybr has two services, which are VConnect and Billing. You can link any one of the services or both with a plan, which depends on your need.

To link a service,

  • Navigate to “Plans” tab in Admin site

  • Click “Link Service” button

  • Choose service from drop down and click save

    • Update services (Plan Settings)

Hybr has two services, you need to update plan settings for the services you linked with every plan.

  • VConnect Service

VConnect plan settings has 3 features. 1. Core, 2. Backup, 3. Service Request.

“Core” is to manage virtual resources. To know about Backup and Service Request refer respective sections. In “Core” there are 3 sections, 1. Quota, 2. Connection, 3. Tenant Operation Restriction.

Quotas: You should set quotas in plan level. This is to limit the resource usage for the plan.

Connection: In connections, you can enable the required connections for the selected plan. While enabling connections for a plan, you should configure VM template for each connection and you have option to configure Network template, Resource template, Backup connection for every connection.

Tenant Operation Restriction: This is where you can set on/off for tenant side operations like VM creation, deletion. This is applicable only for tenants under the selected plan.

  • To update Core features in VConnect Service,

  • Navigate to “Plans” tab in Admin site

  • Drill down into a plan for which you want to update plan settings

  • Check “Core” checkbox to update ‘Core’ feature

  • Now you will see sections for Core feature


  • In connections, you can choose required connection from list. List contains all connections you have created in Hybr VConnect.

  • To choose a connection, check “Is Selected” checkbox

  • Click “Configure” button against the selected connection to configure Template, Network, and Resource template

  • In “Configure Connection” wizard, choose required VM template by clicking “Is Selected” checkbox

  • To configure “Networks”, click on “Networks”

  • choose required “Networks” by clicking “Is Selected” checkbox

  • Configuring VM templates and Networks are important for selected connections

  • Next you can optionally configure Resource Template for the selected connection

  • To configure “Resource Templates”, click on “Resource Templates”

  • Choose required “Resource Templates” by clicking “Is Selected” checkbox

  • Click save to save changes

Subscription Quotas:

  • Subscription Quotas is important settings for VConnect plans. In this plan settings, you can set limits for virtual resources

  • To update this, enter a number for every quota. Below table will be helpful on filling this quota settings.

Table: Plan Settnigs – Subscription quota

  • Enter quota details as per your need

Allowed Tenant operations:

  • In “Allowed Tenant operations”, you can set on or off the tenant operations for the plan. By default, all available operations are configured for every plan. You can disable any operations based on your requirements. To disable an operation, uncheck the checkbox against the operation.

  • Click save button in bottom left corner to save the plan settings

  1. To enable Service Request features in VConnect Service,

  • Navigate to “Plans” tab in Admin site

  • Drill down into a plan for which you want to update plan settings

  • Click on “CloudAssertVConnect” service

  • You will see following screen

  • Check “Service Request” checkbox

  • Click save button to enable “Service Request” feature

    1. To enable Backup features in VConnect Service,

Note: 1. Before enabling backup features, you should create connection to your backup services. Refer backup section for more details.

2. Before enabling backup features, you must configure “Core” feature for the plan [Or you can do both parallelly].

  • Navigate to “Plans” tab in Admin site

  • Drill down into a plan for which you want to update plan settings

  • Click on “CloudAssertVConnect” service

  • You will see following screen

  • Check “Backup” checkbox

  • Fill “Total Backup Jobs Quota”

  • Now click save button to enable “Backup” feature

  • After this you should configure backup connection in “Core” feature. For that you need to specify the backup connection for required VCenter or SPF connections.

  • Now click “Configure” button against the connection you want to configure backup

  • In “Configure Connection” wizard, click on “Backups”

  • Choose a backup connection from the list and click save

  • Now click save button in top right corner to save the plan settings

  • Billing Service

In Billing plan settings, you have 2 settings 1. Pricing, and 2. Cloud Services. In “Pricing”, you have the option to configure “Pricing Profile” for the selected plan. This “Pricing Profile” is like rate card and tenants will be charged based on this “Pricing Profile”.

In “Cloud Services” settings, you can choose “CSP Offer category” if you want to show CSP offers to tenants. Tenants can view CSP offers from configured offer categories.

To update Billing Service,

  1. To update Billing Service,

  • Navigate to “Plans” tab in Admin site

  • Drill down into a plan for which you want to update plan settings

  • Click on “CloudAssertBilling” service

  • You will see following screen. In that, choose a “pricing profile” from drop down and select required options in “CSP Offer Category”.

Click “Save” button in top right corner to update billing plan settings

Last updated