
  1. Download the installer and VConnect Tools file using the below links. Extract VConnect Tools Zip file to local path.

    CloudAssert.WAP.VConnect.Service.Setup.msi - 2403.5 (Version) CloudAssert.WAP.VConnect.Service.Setup.msi - 2403.5 (Version)

  2. Install CloudAssert.WAP.VConnect.Service.Setup.msi

  3. Execute the below command and update the password in web.config of VConnect (Path: C:\inetpub\MgmtSvc-CloudAssert-Vconnect\Web.config)

    1. Navigate to the VConnect Tool folder

    2. Execute the below command from command prompt

    VConnect.exe Hashpass {VConnect_Password} Note: Please ensure to make a note of the password provided for VConnect API, as it will be used in other Hybr components.

  4. Execute the below command to update the database

    1. Navigate to the VConnect folder (extracted from file)

    2. Execute the below command from command prompt

    VConnect.exe UpdateDatabaseSettings {DB_SERVER_NAME} VConnect {DB_USER_NAME} {DB_PASSWORD} /isUseIntegratedSecurity:false /VConnectApiEndpoint:http://localhost:31101 /VConnectApiUserName:cloudassertadminuser /VConnectApiPassword: {VConnect_Password}

  5. Insert queue URL in VConnect database. Note: This step is not required if VConnect is installed only for Work flow or Service notification handler is used

    1. Update shared access signature of Azure storage account queue in the below insert script and execute in VConnect DB. Note: Azure storage account queue is one of the prerequisites.insert into [VConnect].[dbo].[AppSettings] ([Key], [Value], [Group], UpdatedByUser, LastUpdatedTime, IsEncrypted) Values('ServiceNotificationQueueSasUri', '{queueUrl}', 'HybrSettings', 'Admin', GetDate(), 0)

  6. VConnect - Service Notification Handler settings

    1. Set below app settings with appropriate values

    2. If wanted to use the Service Notification Handler, set the HybrApiEndpoint as and set HybrServiceNotificationEventSource setting to trisulapi


      If wanted to use the Azure Storage Queue, set HybrServiceNotificationEventSource setting to azurestoragequeue and give the Azure storage queue SAS URI for the setting ServiceNotificationQueueSasUri

    3. Add Hybr endpoint in hosts file

    4. Setup event notifications for VConnect and Hybr Core components

8. License Activation

  • Navigate inside the extracted folder and execute the below command from command prompt

VConnect.exe ActivateOnline licenseKey emailId

  • Note: Do not copy-paste the values directly into command prompt, paste it in notepad, remove spaces and add again before executing

  • Once the command is executed successfully, .cal file will be generated in the same directory. Copy this file to the following locations.

    • C:\inetpub\MgmtSvc-CloudAssert-VConnect\bin

    • C:\Program Files\CloudAssertVConnect\CloudAssert.WAP.VConnect.AgentService

Last updated